I'm thinking about starting a product line of a special super epoxy that I've learned to make. I have found that if you combine equal parts of Kellogg's Special K Corn Flakes and milk, then let it sit for a day in the sink, you form a bond on the molecular level that cannot be broken. I find it works on all sorts of surfaces, but I get the best results on ceramics; handy if you need to permanently glue them into a large stack for some reason.
Well, now that we all know the secret formula....
Oh, you already knew that formula! Admit it!
Have you tried adding raw egg to the mix before you let it dry?
There is something to raw egg. When I was a kid, my parents would help up make pinatas for holidays; we would mix flour and raw egg together to make a paste of some sort, and then run strips of newspaper through it and stick them to a punching balloon. Once it dried, the balloon would be popped and you had a pinata. Those suckers were diamond hard and tough to break.
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