There are several firearms in this movie, as well as several different types of knives. I got a closeup of some of them, but there are others that I just couldn't get a good picture of.
The first knife that I could get a picture of is a black handled balisong with a spear point blade and a false edge. It appears to be stainless, but I could be wrong. Here is Two-Bit (Emilio Estevez) flipping the knife open right before a confrontation with the Socs:

Here's a closer look:

Later, Johnny (Ralph Macchio) pulls a stag handled switchblade from his pocket. It has a strange latch that he pulls down with his thumb:

This is the knife that he uses to fatally run through one of the Socs that is drowning his friend Ponyboy (C. Thomas Howell), as seen here covered with blood:

Afterwords, Johnny and Ponyboy seek help from their friend Dallas (Matt Dillon), who promptly gives them cash, instructions, and this revolver:

As he is handing it over to Johnny, you can see a shotgun and a Hawken rifle hanging on the wall:

Later on, Two-Bit and Ponyboy are visiting Dallas in the hospital, and Dallas asks to see Two-Bit's balisong:

Two-Bit always flips open the latch with his right hand while the knife is tip-up, then rolls it tip-down in his left hand, and then flips it open with his right hand. He does a good job controlling the knife, but I don't think he caries one day-to-day.
Here's Dallas holding the knife:

If you look close, you can see a butterfly etched into the hilt. You can see it better on the second picture above.
At some point, Dallas starts carrying a "heater." Ponyboy says "heaters are for kiling people." Idiot.

I don't know what type of gun it is, but he uses it to knock off a convenience store towards the end of the movie:

The store owner pulls out a little revolver and shoots Dallas as he is running away with all of the cash:

I doubt the cops would have any problems with the store owner, even though he shot Dallas in the back.
Well, I have no idea who makes these weapons, but I have captured them for everyone to look at. I will try to trace down the make and model of these, and will update the post when I find something.
Update: Ahab identifies the small auto that Dallas is holding as a compact model of the Star B in 9mm. Good to go.
Now, does anyone have any idea who makes the bali?
Update: The auto knife that Johnny uses to kill the Soc is a German made Solingen Springer. Here's some more information. I found this info completely by accident.
It's a Star B-series, which were compact/fullsize 1911 knock offs made in Spain.
Thanks much! I had no idea what type of gun that was, and I didn't have the time to search.
I'm not very good at identifying old guns either.
The store owner's revolver looks like an old Smith & Wesson revolver, possibley a Smith & Wesson Safety Hammerless, nick named "The Lemon Squeezer" because of its grip safety.
Twobit's knife is a "Pacific Cutlery balisong w/ black Micarta scales"
I believe it is a 1988 model, I'm not sure...
Pacific Cutlery was sold to benchmade, and if you ever look at a benchmade balisong, you will see that "butterfly" you noticed on Twobit's knife, it reads "Balisong" over it
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