I'm going to start off with a negative by saying that blogger.com sucks. There are way too many bugs and problems with this system; like the fact that I have wrote this post over and over, but it won't save my work. I can't tell you how frustrated I am right now. I started this post on Thursday, and everytime I finish, all of my work disappears. Also, I paid to upgrade my Photobucket account because I was giving them too much traffic, and now everything with my account has changed for the worse. I figured out how to make the pictures clickable, but I have to fiddle around with the code to make it work, after which half of the text in the post is hyperlinked, so I then have to dick around with that. There has got to be a better way.
Enough of my bitching, lets get started.
A while ago I casually picked up some movies for a cheap price from Target to use for a Movie Guns post. I'm always on the hunt for easy films that I can get together without much of a struggle. This one wasn't as easy as I had hoped.
At over two hours, GoodFellas was more of a challenge than I was ready for, but it sure was worth it! This film is full of old school revolver violence, hit men, and plain jane 1911s; not to mention that it also has a first rate cast of actors. There are thirty something pictures, which is a drop in the bucket compared to some of the other movies I've covered, but the length of the film is what killed me.
Ray Liotta plays the main character, Henry Hill, who also narrates the movie from his perspective as he advances up the ranks of the Italian mafia with his friends Jimmy Conway (Robert De Niro) and Tommy DeVito (Joe Pesci).
Going in rough order, we move into the movie where Hill is a grown man making a good deal of money for himself by being ruthless thugs. To give you an idea, Hill and DeVito are seen here taking a truck driver at gunpoint in order to steal his load:

I have no idea what type of double barreled shotgun that is. DeVito has a snub nose revolver concealed in that brown paper bag.
One day, Hill's girlfriend Karen calls him and tells him that the neighbor got a little frisky with her. Hill picks her up, takes her home, and then pulls a Smith & Wesson Model 36 from under the seat of the car:

After sticking it in his waist band, which you can tell that it starts to slip down the front of his pants, he walks across the street and uses the Model 36 to beat the neighbors face in:

I wouldn't recommend using a firearm like that; despite being made of steel, it will most definitely break the gun, or bend it out of shape at the very least. Also, clubbing someone in the head with a one pound piece of steel is a good way to kill them, but I'm sure a mobster could care less. Regardless, after the beating Hill hands the bloody gun to his soon-to-be-wife:

Moving on, we have DeVito, who is a sadistic psychopath, pulling what looks like another S&W Model 36 from his waistband and drunkenly waving it around at his friends while at a club:

This definitely isn't the last time you will see him do this. Later on at a card game, an intoxicated DeVito pulls his Model 36 and waves it at his friends who duck in terror:

Not satisfied with this, he shoots the teenager who is working as the bar keep in the foot:

Unfortunately, the poor lad survives the encounter, only to shoot his mouth off to DeVito after he comes back all bandaged up. DeVito lets his violent complex take over and pulls a M1911 out and shoots him dead:

DeVito's character is notoriously violent, and will kill someone with the drop of a hat. Conway was joking around when he told DeVito "you gonna let him get away with that" in regards to the bar keep making a smart ass comment. DeVito, being the killer with a short fuze that he is, didn't get the joke and killed the kid in anger.
His temper will be his demise.
When a "made man," meaning that he is high up in the mafia, makes a disrespectful comment to DeVito later on at another bar, DeVito, with the help of Conway, stomps on the guy before pistol whipping him with a S&W 36 until it breaks:

This is why using your gun as a club is a last resort.
Thinking the man is dead, Hill, Conway, and DeVito put him in the trunk and go get some dinner at DeVito's mother's house. DeVito borrows a big ol' kitchen knife to use to cut the man's body up into smaller pieces, but when they open the trunk, they find out that the man is alive.

DeVito plunges the knife into the man over and over again Caesar style before Conway finishes him off with a S&W 36:

Moving on, Hill wakes up to his disenfranchised wife Karen who has him in a compromising position due to his infidelity:

I'll let you find out for yourself how this plays out.
Next we have DeVito executing a fellow mobster with a suppressed 1911 because the guy accidentally left a stolen truck with finger prints for the cops to find. It wouldn't be long before the cops were at the man's door, so it's best to take care of the loose ends:

Things start to go down hill from here.
DeVito gets whacked for his part in the killing of the above mentioned made man:

Hill is under surveillance by federal agents for selling drugs and guns, like this bag of pistols that he tries to sell to Conway:

One is obviously a Browning High Power, but I can't tell what the other two are that Conway is trying to screw a suppressor on.
As a side note, it's movies like this one that leads the general public into believing that criminals and villains use suppressors.
Anyways, federal agents raid Hill's house to get the drugs, but Karen has already flushed it down the toilet. Here she grabs what looks like a Colt Mustang from the first picture and hides it. . . well, you see:

Do you see? Yeah, in the second picture. . . . there's a gun there. . . .never mind.
Other agents catch Hill in his car as he's trying to get away. Here is an agents Browning High Power with adjustable sights pointed at his head:

I caught this picture from the police station where a female cop has a big ol' honkin revolver in a leather shoulder holster:

I have no idea what it is since I can't see enough of it to get an ID, but it sure is cool!
Last, I got a picture of Hill with a Sig P230 while lying in bed with Karen after he makes bail:

At first I thought it was a Walther PPK, but after another look I have it as a Sig.
This was a tough movie to cover. There's no skipping ahead because I didn't want to miss a picture. There wasn't much of a variety of guns in this one, but the scenes showing gun use were good. I especially liked the realism injected in some of the parts, like DeVito's Model 36 breaking into pieces when he uses it to pistol whip a guy.
This movie is a great one for a collection, and I'm glad I got this one at a good price.
I hope you enjoyed it!
Nice review excepting that the short fella is Joe Pesci, not Danny DeVito.
Pesci's character's name is DeVito, ya dunce ;)
Great post, but some corrections as usual:
You never said what the gun was that Karen has in Hill's face, it looks like a Stainless Smith & Wesson 60, which is the SS version of the Model 36. I'd assume you forgot to re-add it when your site crapped out multiple times?
The two other pistols Hill is seen suppressing are a Heckler & Koch P9S and a Smith & Wesson Escort .22 LR.
That Colt Mustang is actually some type of Llama .380 pistol, perhaps a III-A?
And the gun you labeled as a SIG-Sauer P230 is actually an Astra Constable. Note the difference in the shapes of the hammers of the two guns.
Ah indeed, I forget....they mussed up Pesci's character a lot went back and listened to the commentary.
Would have liked it better had they used their real names, sort of like 'Casino'....
I've been trying to get to this all morning, but the kids have kept me from it.
This post was more rushed than I had hoped, so I didn't get the time I needed to accurately ID everything.
The little revolver that Karen is pointing at Hill is a nickel S&W Model 36. All of the stainless models are .357 magnum, but I am aware of a stainless LadySmith that may have been in .38 Special, but of course most LadySmith's are .357. The gun is marked .38 Special, and you can tell that it doesn't have the LadySmith marking on the side.
You're spot on about the rest though. The H&K P9S and the S&W Escort were a good catch. I did a quick attempt at finding what they were, but had to give it up as I was out of time.
At first glance, I had labeled the Astra Constable as a Walther PPK, but noticed that the trigger guard was different. That led me to believe that is was the Sig; all though you're right, the hammer doesn't match. Again, good catch.
That little pistol Karen stuffs into her underwear does look like a nickel Llama in the first pic; either a IIIa or a Micromax, but it definitely isn't the same gun in the second. Looking at the hammer and beavertail is where I can tell. I have no idea what it is though.
Now I have to figure out how to update the page. I don't want to lose the post like I did before.
Thanks for keeping me honest!
Actually the SMith & Wesson Model 60 snub was available in .38 special. If you look at the gun on IMFDB in the S&W Model 36 page, the gun labeled as a satin nickel Model 36 is actually a Model 60 in stainless steel. It was factory mismarked as a 36 even though it is a 60. So I'd say it IS a Model 60 stainless.
none of you noticed that Karen has two different guns in that scene? a 5-shooter and a 6-shooter!
You should watch these films: Serpico, and Metro. Serpico because it's so good, Metro because it is from very deep. Maybe is has something to do with Eddie Murphy...
How come I haven't seen movie gun reviews on the Jason Bourne movies?
Hey I haven't seen this movie yet but after reading the preview must gonna watch it for sure. A very good blog written by you. Thanks for the information shared.
This seems like a great movie. I am going to try and find it.
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