Pulp Fiction has a few guns and shooting scenes in it, but it is not a "gun movie." There are, however, some interesting handguns, some which I just can't identify. Here are some of the ones that I can get a make on.
The two gangsters in the movie, Jules and Vincent who are played by Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta respectively, both have chrome pistols.

Jules carries a Star B model 9mm which is based on the 1911 design. The gun noticeably lacks a grip safety, and Jules thumb cocks the pistol with his finger on the trigger:

I see that far to often. Here is a closeup with the gun in the face of "Ringo" the coffee shop robber:
Here is the gun at the beginning of the movie which shows the external extractor:

Intersting part about that scene in that it is filmed twice. This picture was taken from the beginning where Jules guns a man down until the pistol reaches slide lock. The scene is shown again from a different perspective later on, and Jules doesn't empty the gun in that shot. The reason it matters is that Jules and Vincent are confronted almost immediately afterwords by a crazed gunman and they have several rounds each left in their guns..
Vincent uses what appears to be an Auto Ordnance 1911 in .45 ACP. The muzzle sports a much larger barrel than the 9mm that Jules uses:

Here Hollywood shows us why you should always keep your booger hook off the bang switch with Vincent's infamous negligent discharge:

The crazed gunman mentioned above was carrying this weeks unknown gun:

It's definitely not a Colt Python, nor is it a Rossi, although it is very close. The ribbed barrel is different than any revolver that I have ever seen and is what sets it apart from the Python. I believe it to be a Smith & Wesson in .357 Magnum, but I don't know what model.
We also have a Remington 870 shotgun that the pawnbroker (NOT this Pawnbroker, who no doubt knows his way around a shotgun - ed) uses to capture Marsellus (Ving Rhames) and Butch (Bruce Willis). The pawnbroker racks a shell into the chamber as hard as he can, like he's trying to prove something, and those of us who actually shoot shotguns can audibly tell that the gun is empty despite the dramatic sound of the action.

Here is the same shotgun in Marsellus' hands in one of the most disturbing scenes ever put onto film:

Marsellus also racks the shotguns action and you can clearly hear that the gun is empty. Another question is why did the shotgun need to be cycled in the first place? It's as if Hollywood believes that one must prime the gun the moment before firing. Idiots.
Butch saves Marsellus from profound buggery with this katana of unknown make:

Here Marsellus draws his Smith & Wesson 5903 from a shoulder holster:

There are other guns that are found in this film like this suppressed Mac 10 that Butch kills Vincent with:

Notice the flinch from Bruce Willis, which is pretty much standard from all of the actors who fire a gun in this movie.
The last two guns I have for you are the two revolvers used by the coffee shop robbers. The one that Yolonda is holding looks like a S&W model 40:

The one that "Ringo" is holding is also a S&W, but I don't know what model:

Notice the terrible grip that they have on those guns. They have both pointer fingers in the trigger guard. Yikes!
That's all I've got. I should be back on track with another movie guns this weekend.
Update: The huge revolver that the crazed gunman has been identified as a Dan Wesson 15 by Robb Allen of Sharp as a Marble, who owns one of these beasts. I note that his has the bevel at the muzzle, and that the ribbing on others that I have Googled matches perfectly.
Thanks for the ID! I've been looking for that one for awhile with no luck.
About Willis flinching, isn't this (in this particular case) the point? He shoots because he flinches, not necessarily the other way around. I think this particular shooting should be at least be halfway to accidentalville. ;)
The revolver you are questioning looks very much like a Dan Wesson Model 15 in .357. I have a similar one without the vented rib and blued rather than stainless.
I have pictures if you'd like to compare.
Please do. I still have no idea what that is, so any help would be great.
The revolver is a Taurus of some make, NOT a Dan Wesson. Note that there is a pin in the underlug, which holds in the little locking nib for the ejector rod. Dan Wessons do not lock on the ejector rod. The style of rear sight looks like a Taurus, and the ventilated rib certainly points that way as well. Here's your culprit:
That is a very good eye that you have. Not 1/10 of 1 percent, have even heard of a MAC-10, much less a suppressed model.
About the only thing that can say is"Uzi"; and they still don't know what they are talking about.
Not many people can distinguish what a S&W 5900 series is either.
I recently watched the movie and it is pretty good.
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