If you're into cars then you would be well served to check this one out. There are also spectacular car crashes and explosions, and of course the gunfights are cool too. When I took the frames from this movie I had to use a friends laptop because mine doesn't so video capture, but my friends computer wouldn't play sound while I was watching so I didn't get any cheesy one-liners to mock.
Here we go.
The first gun seen in the film is this Sig Sauer P239 that two ladies find in a druglord's nightstand. They negligently fire it into the wall, and the woman who fires it noticably anticipates the shot when she badly flinches before the pistol goes off:

Next we have some not very tactical fellas coming out of the water wearing AN/PVS-7 night vision monoculars while on an operation to take out some KKK guys:

Our two esteemed crimefighters Mike (Will Smith) and Marcus (Martin Lawrence) decide to break cover in the middle of the KKK rally and arrest everyone there. Here we have Mike holding two Glock 17's with stainless steel slides:

While that may look good for television, police officers would never point two weapons at the same time because they cannot account for every shot fired if they're holding two pistols.
Marcus is more realistic with his single two-tone Sig P226 that he holds in this unsteady grip:

That's definitely not the way to hold that Sig, especially with it's high bore axis. Be good to it and it will protect you.
At this point all hell breaks loose as the not-so-tactical guys who are supposed to be backing up the bust decide to just sit tight. One of the bad guys pulls this Smith & Wesson Performance Center model 629 Weighted Barrel and holds it on Marcus:

Obviously a firefight breaks out and Mike takes a leaping double shot at a bad guy with the two Glocks. You can see the bullets leave the barrel and that is captured in this frame if you click on it:

You can see the bullet from the bottom Glock at the front of the top Glock's ejection port. The funny thing about this is that the bullets are not rifled, nor do they have a copper jacket which is kind of a no-no in Glocks:

One of the bullets hits Marcus in the ass, while the other hits a bad guy in the neck while he's firing this Mossberg 500:

When backup arrives, one of the officers had this Heckler & Koch G36 with nightvision scope:

Next we have the druglord whooting rats with this unknown type of revolver:

I don't normally capture pictures unless I can get a closeup shot to help determine the make, but I thought someone might be able to pick this one up.
The next firefight starts when Syd (Gabrielle Union), an undercover DEA agent, gets shot at by a bunch of thugs. She takes off in an SUV and fires back with what looks like a Glock 30:

She also uses this super short Mossberg 500 to waste another bad guy, but she has to rack a round into the chamber before firing it, which is pretty stupid considering this gun only holds two rounds in the tube with one supposed to already be chambered:

The bad guys are firing with AKS 74U's like this one:

And one of them has this very short FN FAL:

The no-freakin-way award goes to this scene where Mike fires this H&K UMP one handed from a spinning Ferarri 550:

The next firefight goes down in a badguys hideout. One of them has this pistol gripped Mossberg 500, and another has a Beretta Inox:

A later gunfight has Mike and Marcus getting ambushed by these guys with a Micro Uzi, a H&K MP5 PDW, and a Intratec TEC9:

I also got a shot of this FN M240B machine gun which is used to shoot up a boat that is used to haul drugs:

The last and largest firefight is at the end and has a ton of cool guns. First we have a AT4 anti-tank rocket that is used to take out the radio room of the druglords house:

Marcus is running around with this H&K G36C wearing an Aimpoint optic that looks like it was put on upside down:

Mike is carrying a H&K MP5SD just like this one which is being fired by one of the not-so-tactical "former Delta" cops:

Here are two more cops: one with a AR15/M4 type rifle, and the other with a H&K MP5SD; both of them wearing Surefire lights and Aimpoint optics. Notice none of them use the sights at all:

Here one of them has a FN M249 Para SAW:

The druglord has a Steyr TMP:

And his mother has this unknown make double barrel shotgun:

Cuban soldiers are firing AK's, and this RPG 7 and DShKM:

When the fight ends up at the edge of Guantanimo Bay, the cops and druglord encounter M16 type anti-personnel mines, of which one gets triggered by a two tone Glock 17:

How's that for a Movie Guns week? Some day I will cover the first Bad Boys, but not right now. I have a couple of requests which I am more than happy to cover. In fact, I've already made the trip to the video store and picked them up.
Thanks for tuning in!
Update: The rocket launcher used at the end of the movie is not an AT4, but a C90-CR (M3). The blonde guy with dreads has a Ithaca 37 with a pistol grip; seen earlier as a "stakeout" model during the car chase scene, but later morphing into a full size pump gun in the crackhouse, which this photo shows. Also of note is that the H&K G36 with the night vision scope is, in fact, a H&K SL8.
Those Mossbergs the KKK are using are actually Marine Magnum 870s. That revolver the KKK guy holds to MArcus is a Taurus Raging Bull. Note the Taurus shaped cylinder release. That TNT sniper is using an SL8, the sniper version of the G36. Close though. The druglord Tapia uses a .44 magnum Colt Anaconda to shoot rats, and that pistol of his is a SIG P32, not a 239. MArcus' sister was using a slimline Glock 36 .45 in her van. The short Moss 500 is called a Serbu Super Shorty made in south africa. Those AKS-74Us are AKMSUs, note underfolding stock and ribbed steel 7.62x39mm mags. AKS-74Us have side folding stocks and bakelite or smooth steel mags in 5.45x39mm. That Mossberg 500 blonde dreads uses is an Ithaca 37 Stakeout. Note distinct pistol grip shape. One of the haitians in the street shootout is using one too. You keep listing MP5Ks as Mp5 PDW, there is no MP5 PDW, but the MP5K PDW is the folding stock MP5K model. That's definately not an AT4, it has a longer length and just about completely different in shape. Tapia has a Steyr SPP in his house, note how it lacks a vertical forgrip, making it a civie model, converted to full-auto. That cuban soldier has a Type 69 RPG, the chinese copy with a wooden grip on the side. Those DShks are mockups of M2 M1921 Browning .50 cals if you look close, you'll see. Sorry to be a pain in the ass and correct everything but I;m a stickler for correct information. I contribute heavily to IMFDB, so if you ever need to double check something, feel free to check my stuff. I've done most of these movies too like Street Kings, The Rock, and this movie. Good luck and keep up the good work.
I'm a stickler for accuracy as well, and that's why I have to disagree with you. I realize that you came from IMFDB, and admit that you have me beat in finding the exact make and model of AR/AK/ComBloc weapons; although there are plenty of times where I think the identification of such weapons on your site is purely made up. There is no way of finding the exact make on every firearm used in every movie; sometimes you just don't get enough of a shot. The carbines used at the beginning of Commando is a perfect example; your site has an exact make and model when the movie doesn't give you a close enough look at the thing to get one. I go frame by frame too, and it's just not there, but I digress.
The large handgun that the KKK guy is holding is definitely NOT a Raging bull. The latch is large S&W, and the scallop on the side, right in front of the ejector rod, is the giveaway that it's a Performance Center 629. The shorty shotgun that looks like a Serbu is not a Serbu; it's got a Mossberg 500 receiver that looks like a Serbu. I cannot see how you can tell that what's-her-face's Glock is a 'slimline Glock 36'; I've got the same movie with the same pictures ya'll do, and there's just not enough there to get a good model ID. Perhaps someone there knows the armorer? Then maybe I could see how you would have such intel, but realize that don't know a movie armorer, and I do these posts within the very short time I have in the week to do them. That means less time spent finding the exact numerical identification for the upper and lower on a AR type rifle. MP5PDW - http://world.guns.ru/smg/smg15-e.htm - may be an 'industry term' or such, but that's not my bag. You are right that Blondie has an Ithaca 37 instead of a Mossberg 500, but it's not the stakeout model; the barrel and mag tube are way too long. You probably have me on the AKSs, I will go back and check them out.
Some day when I have more time I will swing by IMFDB and attempt to fix your 1911s.
From the horse's mouth - http://www.hk-usa.com/le_products_sg.html - MP5 'PDW'.
That P239's actually a P232, and the Steyr TMP's actually an SPP.
plus mike carrys a glock 17 and 19 not a pair of 17s
Oyh god, this movie stinks so bad, seriously it makes me puck in my mouth
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