"People were starting to hit each other, people were insulting one another, people were screaming. It was very serious," Paul Pages, who was 26 years old at the time, told ABC News. "There was a young guy who jumped out of a hospital window after screaming 'Look, I'm a dragonfly'. He broke both of his legs," Pages remembered. "The postman was also seen zigzagging on his bike. He eventually fell. He had lost his reason."What would give anyone get the idea that the US government would be so reckless as to test chemical warfare agents on unsuspecting people? That just can't possibly be. Stupid people and their stupid conspiracy theories.
The more reasonable explanation is that this was the work of the Illuminati trying to make it seeeeeeem like it was the US in an effort to draw the French into a war that would bring untold profits to several secretive elites hell bent on enslaving the poor. Or, the CIA may have just been testing chemicals on the French. Your call.
Reading the article, all I see is that the ergot explanation was allegedly "disproved".
By who? When?
Occam's Razor suggests the bread as the simplest explanation.
(I'm more than a little familiar with both the history and the pharmacological effects of lysergic acid diethylamide, thanks to a misspent youth. Any time a tale includes descriptions of people "thinking they could fly", I become doubly suspicious; I seem to remember that it mostly made people think they couldn't walk, and it was generally right.)
It may not have even been LSD; there are many other creepy chemicals that could have been used (BZ, PCP, etc.) . I guess ultimately there is no way to prove it, but it fascinates me to no end that there are people who think the US is above doing something like this.
If they mean to do more experiments, let's hope they continue taking the fun elsewhere.
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