Friday, October 30, 2009
Open carry righteousness
In Virginia it's pretty common, and is probably the best example of any state on how it's not a big deal. There is more to it than that, and SailorCurt runs it aground with this post on a comment that he made on the subject. It's a quick read that fleshes out precisely how I feel about the rest.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
That's common sense violence prevention!
If you said "Shut down the bar!" then you need to either run for office in DC, or join the metro PD.
Seriously, who's side are these clueless bureaucrats on? This retarded way of "protecting the public" is so breathtakingly stupid it makes my head spin. Let's not protect DC residents by locking up violent scumbags, let's punish the bar owner.
Because banning dead end streets, bars, high school football, and pizza shops will surely do the trick this time.
There's no way that this is even legal. It can't be. Why oh why we stopped dragging morons like Lanier, Norton, and Graham out into the street for a good ol' fashioned tarring and feathering is the question of the day. It makes me wish they would do something not quite as destructive of society, like putting up crime cameras or something.
New gun owners in Chicago
Shootout with store owner
The video is way more clear than most security camera footage. The store owner got shot in the process, but his wound is not life threatening.
I can't see how he could have missed the scumbags at such a close range. Maybe he didn't fire. One things for sure, those two morons ran like hell when they realised that they weren't going to get the money without a fight.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
CNN) -- An off-duty security guard Tuesday fatally shot a psychiatric patient who had stabbed a doctor at a medical building in Boston, Massachusetts, police said.It is a good thing he was there, armed, and able to stop the threat. Still, this being Boston we're talking about, and also being in a hospital which is no doubt a victim disarmament zone, one has to wonder how much more out of hand things would have gotten if there wasn't an armed person in the building. Maybe it's not such a bad thing to have armed good guys around considering how easily a crazy person can do harm with whatever is at hand.
Oh I know, I know. He was a SECURITY GUARD, with special SECURITY GUARD skills. This SECURITY GUARD was OFF-DUTY. I'm sure he even had a badge of some type that credentials his GUARD skills and appeases the ever fearful mind of the quivering masses. A citizen can't possess the special powers needed to determine whether or not to shoot a man who just stabbed a doctor with a knife unless they have some sort of uniform or shiny thing to display to unarmed folk:
Well, that sounds difficult, doesn't it? How can you or I ever hope to make a split decision like that without the "gun going off?" If this were a case of citizen intervention, no doubt it would be publicly noted by the local police chief/appointed bureaucrat how unwise it is to attempt to stop a madman because he will simply take your gun away and use it against you.The security guard interceded, revealing a weapon and ordering the patient to drop a knife, Davis said.
"When the suspect did not comply, he shot the suspect," Davis said.
On another note, it is believed that the SECURITY GUARD didn't manage to kill fellow citizens in road ragey madness while on the way to the hospital because he was a SECURITY GUARD. It solves the problem. Also, because he was a SECURITY GUARD, the potential victims that were no doubt saved by his actions are happy that he intervened for their defenseless asses:
"We're happy he was here," she said about the guard, who was taken to Boston police headquarters for questioning.Who knows how pissed off these people would have been had the guy not been a SECURITY GUARD with the skills that kills and pays the bills.
The lesson to take away from this article is that if you're ever involved in a shooting, especially one that saves a ton of lives, make sure that you shout out to all the citizens around you that you're an OFF-DUTY SECURITY GUARD so that their mind is put at ease. The press will quickly show up and make it official record -- mentioning nine times on the page -- what your confessed profession is, and then all will be good.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Kalashnikov has regrets
"It is painful for me to see when criminal elements of all kinds fire from my weapon," Mikhail Kalashnikov said in a videotaped address to a conference of Russian arms traders and designers at a top-secret Soviet-era arms testing facility outside Moscow.Hard feelings Mr. Kalashnikov? Well, the alternative is that criminal elements could go back to using edged weapons. That seems way more civilized.
Unfortunately, I am just finding out about the gas powered rifle that Kalashnikov built:
Designed just after World War Two to work in the harsh conditions in which Soviet troops operate, the gas-powered Kalashnikov, which is cheap to build and easy to maintain, became one of the most successful weapons ever produced.Who knew? I bet those are collectors items which will no doubt go up in value after Cap & Trade gets passed! In other news, it seems that Russia really didn't sell off millions of AKs after the Soviet Union fell:
Anatoly Isaikin, the chief of the arms trading monopoly Rosoboronexport, said counterfeit Kalashnikovs "tarnish the brand because these weapons are sold in conflict regions."Whew! At least none of those Russian AKs were sold across the globe to nasty countries only to be used in genocide or anything. We all know now that Russia kept it's massive weapons stockpiles under lock & key the whole time. And knowing is half the battle!
This last bit has me thinking:
"We first need to create a civilized Kalashnikov market. Only then can we boost the price," Grodetsky sighed.I know of a very civilized country that is chock full of good hearted folks who would love to have a Kalashnikov rifle of their very own. Too bad said country has a government agency that arbitrarily blocks their import. What to do, what to do.
Found at Hot Air.
Oh, is that what it is?
When news events are not being intensely followed, CNN executives acknowledge, viewers seem to be looking for partisan views more than objective coverage.Objective. It seems that CNN, as well as other networks like NBC, MSNBC, ABC, interprets that word different than I do.
This is what I've always thought when I consider what objective means, but there is another meaning:5. not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased: an objective opinion.
4. being the object or goal of one's efforts or actions.The object or goal of these networks of course being to make The One seem majestical, and not hold him accountable for anything.
I'm not overly fond of FOX News either, as they can get their stupid on just like the rest of em', but the blatant BS being put up by other news agencies is just startling. If only they could see the forest from all the trees.
Found via Drudge.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Range Report
The property used to have a pond on it that I have fished from childhood, but the damned beavers destroyed it. We killed piles of them over the years to try to keep them from ruining the place, but it was in vain. I can remember years ago when I got in a nasty scrap with a family of six beavers there in that pond late one night. It was me and my trusty Mossberg 835 and Mag light. When the smoke cleared, two of them were dead outright, and two were struggling for their lives in the spatter dots that covered the pond. The other two made it out alive, and two years later breached a thirty foot hole in the dam, which drained the pond. Today it is an aspiring forest.
I had to hack away with a machete for an hour and a half to get a shooting lane, but in the end I had an honest 285 yards from the muzzle to see what my handloads could do.
To give me a bit of a bar to gauge the quality of my loads, I picked up a box of 168 grain Federal Gold Medal Match at the local funshow. If my loads could beat those, then I know that I'm in the right ballpark.
Here is a look at the mess that I had to deal with. I was ass deep in weeds and brush with my micro Gerber machete trying to make a lane. When I got done my hands were shaking. In the back you can barely make out my target:

I had to shoot off the hood of my truck, which isn't ideal. I had sandbags, but the things kept slippin' and sliddin' on my not-so-waxed hood. To top that, I had to walk to the target and back in between groups, which meant a 600 yard walk around the pond total for every five shots. Not such a great thing when you're trying to shoot tiny groups. Here's my spread:

The yellow chair caught my ejected brass.
Some may look at my evil black gun and wonder what the hell I need such an animal for, and my answer would be that I built the thing to hunt critters with. That's right, rails and all were specifically bought to make a world class hunting gun. To give a better understanding, here is a glance at today's target through the H-425 reticule of the 3-12x50mm Horus Vision Hawk scope:

That reticule was designed for hunters. The range of an animal can be accurately gauged with it, and the Mil tree can be used to shoot at distance. It's perfect!
Here is my target that explains my shooting. To answer the obvious question: I did better the Federal Gold Medal Match rounds that I bought today. I do have to add that my groups opened up noticeably with every trip down to the target, which isn't surprising. I'm not too far out of shape, but a brisk 600 yard walk gets my blood pumping, and I didn't have time to relax in between strings of shots. More shooting will have to be conducted before I can claim that my rounds are more accurate.

The horizontal spread of my groups is all me. There was no wind to speak of, and the temperature today was 63 degrees and partly cloudy. Sometimes the light was tricky, and I had problems keeping focus on the orange dots. I had a borrowed Barska 15-40x50 spotting scope that a friend lent to me, and I have to say that there's a reason he got it for free from some Cabela's order. I could make out the shot holes with my scope, but could barely make out the target with the spotting scope.
All in all, my handloads shoot into 4" or less at almost 300 yards, and I can't complain with that. If I had a solid rest and all day to shoot, I think these rounds will easily shoot under MOA if I do my part. Either way, it sure is fun!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Reloading tip of the day
Primitive Pete is your friend.
When you're prepping cases for reloading them, one of the steps is to clean all the soot out of the primer pockets. Sometimes the little tools and brushes that were designed for such a task do not remove that soot, and occasionally the flash holes will be blocked by a stray piece of brass that can't be removed. Also, if you're the kind of reloader that runs your deprimed brass through a tumbler, whether it's the first cleaning the cases get, or you want to re-clean them to get rid of the sizing lubricant, you've no doubt had the tumbler media get hung up in the flash hole in the primer pocket. That stuff can be a pain in the ass to get out.
Well, there is just the tool to remove all that soot, brass, and carbon:

That is a standard one inch paddle bit designed to drill holes in wood. You probably have one rusting in the bottom of that tool box that you never use, so drag that thing out and get your Primitive Pete on.
A word of caution: paddle bits are semi-hardened steel, so it can gouge brass very easily. Be gentle. If you look close, the pointy tip actually has a flat cutting edge that is great at scraping carbon from the bottom of the pocket, and you can also get the inside edge of the pocket to allow the primer to seat all the way down. It's the best tool I've found for picking out the tumbler media from the flash holes, and if you have a stray finger of brass blocking the hole than use the long cutting edges on the tip by spinning it to unblock it.
Now go forth and make some ammo!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Illuminating the problem
The parents of the student, who is now a Soldier in the US Army, are appealing the school board's ridiculous decision to maintain the suspension; and now we are getting into the weeds on what kind of thought goes into making zero tolerance policies:
But the school's rule book brands possession of a knife to be "violent" conduct, and leaves it to the discretion of the superintendent to determine the proper punishment.And there you have it folks. It's about the Thing, and not the person. The Thing, the Object, is the monster to loose the hounds of policy on; and you better not be the one in possession of The Thing, or you will be punished. Gun owners see this object focus mentality all the time. Clueless people assume that a firearm is in itself capable of evil, or is evil, and if you are in possession of one then you are a part of that evil. They see no distinction between the person and The Thing.
Humans are born with some inherent mental programming that may be partially to blame, but an adult should have a rational mind that can determine between one or another. When rational people see thuggish looking teens wearing colors, bandannas, chains, and throwing dice behind the mall, they don't go asking them for directions. While the teens may not be dangerous, there is no way to determine that at a glance. The rational person is actually focusing on the teens behaviour, or at least they should be, as they are the ones capable of evil. If those same teens have their dice, colors, bandannas, baggy clothes, and whatever visibly on the top of their car, would that be something to give a rational person alarm? Would a man walking into WaWa with a pistol visibly holstered on his belt cause a rational person to be alarmed? It shouldn't. He is in possession of a Thing. The Thing is not what the rational person should be looking at. If the man walks into the WaWa with the pistol in his hand, then a rational person should be sensing that he is evil; not because of The Thing, but by his actions.
Those examples are simple. What this student is going through is a no brainer; but the school superintendent is so far into hippy land that he can't tell The Thing from the man. The superintendent has discretion, but he has decided that mere possession of The Thing makes a man evil.
Oh noes! I need to register my SKS!!
Damn! He must not have bought the compliance kit.The drama began unfolding about 3:30 p.m. on Powder Mill Road near Evans Trail. A Dunbar armored car guard called police after a man in a car first followed the armored vehicle, and then cut it off.
Armed with an SKS automatic rifle, the gunman began firing into the armored car. Just then, a lone police officer arrived, and there is a shootout.
This trash brought to you by FOX DC associate, Roz Plater.
Good on the responding officer for taking on the guy; although I would have credited him with saving the lives of Maryland citizens, and not so much the guards in the armored car. Unless the gunman had his fully automatic SKS death machine loaded to the max with hundreds of armor piercing anti-material rounds. Then they might have been in danger.
SPRINGFIELD, Va. - A Springfield, Virginia man is facing an indecent exposure charge after a passerby spotted the man naked in his kitchen and reported it to police.If I were the responding officer, I would have been putting the cuffs on the caller, and asking just what was she doing looking into the man's window.
Is this what things have come down to? Really? People looking into your window get to have you arrested because they take offense at the sight of your junk?
Had it been the cops at my door, I would have gone all Matthew McConaughey, and made them take me in stark strip naked. Then I would sue the department for making such an absurd arrest, as well as the peeping woman.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Airman march for their fallen
On the news this morning was the mother of a fallen Airman special operator who's son's name is on one of the batons. She was very thankful for these guys taking the time to honor him.HURLBURT FIELD, Fla. (AFNS) -- After walking over 800 miles through five states, 12 special tactics Airmen arrived here Oct. 16, officially completing a memorial march for their fallen comrades.
The marchers, made up of several combat controllers and pararescuemen and one combat weatherman, split up into six two-man teams and walked day and night to honor 12 special tactics Airmen killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
"This walk shows that with Air Force special operations, you are never forgotten," said Master Sgt. Ken Huhman, one of the event's coordinators and a marcher from the 342nd Training Squadron at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas.
The Air Force special operations community is very small. Good on these warriors for completing such a march.
It's always the good ones
FREDERICKSBURG, Va. - The Stafford County Sheriff's Office is investigating the murder of a shop keeper found dead Thursday morning. The victim is a well-known businessman and respected father and husband, 66-year-old Jimmy LeRose.Murders around here are very rare, but they do happen from time to time.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Range Report

Click to enlarge.
For a blow by blow recount of each shot on these targets, head on over to my thread on Practical Riflery Forums. For a recap, just keep reading.
I started out this spring to try and develop two loads for this rifle: one for slaying dog sized Virginia deer, and one for general purpose shooting on targets and small critters like groundhogs. For the deer load I chose 165 grain Sierra Game Kings; and for the target load I got duped into buying 155 grain Nosler Custom Competition bullets. Not that there's anything wrong with the Noslers, it's just that Gander Mountain had them marked at twice what they are worth. But hey, I bought them.
My load development quest ended up getting skewed because of the magazine issue I posted about earlier, which I have since solved. For the rest of this year, I have decided to abandon the 165 grain effort and will start again in the spring. They are putting out 5-shot groups just over an inch at 100 yards, which is nothing to scoff at, but I'm positive that I can squeeze out more. One reason for my decision is that factory 150 grain Remington Core-Lokt rounds are shooting into an inch through this gun:

The target on the left with the three 2" dots are the 165 grain loads that I made. The bottom dot with two shots in it are sighters; the dot on the left is a 5-shot group of 1.2"; and the dot on the right is a 5-shot group of .91". The target on the right that looks like it was hit with buckshot is actually an old target that I had left behind on the range, so it had shot holes already in it. They are the ones marked with an X. This target has groups of the factory Remingtons, which are the groups circled in pencil. Most of the groups on there were skewed from the rifle bouncing on the bi-pod legs on the sandbags. I have found out that bi-pods are great on the ground, but skew your groups when fired from the bench, even when you fold the legs down. As you shoot, the recoil rocks the gun back which allows the bi-pod attachment point to grab a little of the sandbag with every shot. By your 4th or 5th shot the end of the bi-pod legs are what the gun is resting on, and those are always the shots that open your groups up. Every stray round in a group on this target was the 4th or 5th shot. I took the bi-pods off the gun and shot the group on the 2nd dot from the left - the one marked as being 1.177". The 6th shot at 6 o'clock on that dot was fired a month or so before, and is not a part of that group.
A few days before, I fired one of these rounds at a different target to give myself something to aim at, and then shot six more of them into almost three quarters of and inch from sandbags:

In the end, the factory Remingtons shoot as well as my handloads, so I will stick with them and start my handloading effort next year.
My 155 grain loads are a different story.
Here I have three 5-shot groups: one - at the bottom - of the factory Remingtons fired by me prone off the bi-pods that groups around an inch and three quarters from a cold clean bore; one on the top right fired by me from a fouled lukewarm bore with a called flyer; and one on the top left fired by a friend from a warm fouled barrel with a called flyer. Without the flyers, the two top groups are a tad over a half an inch. I had noted that the Remingtons would probably have grouped better if I had fired two or three sighters to warm and foul the bore, instead of just clicking off five of them in a row. I was right:

I have yet to be able to stretch the gun out to a few hundred yards or more. Every time I try to arrange a day to shoot, something comes up. When I get the chance I'll post more. For right now, I am as happy as can be that I have a rifle capable of shooting anything I put into it into an inch or better. How cool is that?
For next year, I will not have one of the major problems that I had this year, which is availability of primers. I ended up using three different types of primers, and that is the reason why I think they did not turn out to be as good as when I started. I think I will also give the 175 grain Sierra Match Kings a try as well. The 155 grain Noslers are my baseline, and I will try to improve on them next year as well.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
SWEET! I've got to get ready for BOA SEASON!!
State wildlife managers recently allowed hunters to kill invasive snakes. Legislation has been introduced in the U.S. Congress to ban the importation of some constrictors and the Humane Society of the United States recently said it supported laws to stop the importation of and trade in large reptiles.I've read articles about this before, warning about large constricting snakes being released into the wild by pet owners. The snakes grow and breed as they find that the environment in the US is fully capable of supporting them.
And that's really cool!
Here all this time I thought I had to go to the zoo, or South America, just to see an anaconda in real life, and here they're saying that I can go to the everglades and actually hunt them!
Sounds like I will need to do another special purpose AR build. . . .
This zero tolerance stuff is fantasic!
Whalen was suspended from Lansingburgh High School last month after administrators found the 11/2-inch key-chain knife in his glove compartment, an infraction of the district's zero-tolerance policy for weapons on school grounds. It was a gift from his grandfather, Robert Whalen, chief of the Hoosick Falls Police Department.Thank goodness the little blade from the survival kit in his car was turned over to the proper authorities! Someone could have been hurt!
You must understand that zero tolerance policies are designed to insulate staff from any sort of blame or backlash; like a sort of strawman to hold up when parents or whomever show up to complain. "Don't blame us, blame the policy. We just enforce the policy as it's written." In effect, zero tolerance policies are a machine that's built, activated, and then allowed to wander around doing its thing while officials/employees/management can sit back confident that some ingenious lawyer has to get through the machine before it can get to them.
The error in this is that zero tolerance policies are started in what's regarded as an effort to stop or prevent some sort of crime, but the policies cannot determine whether or not a crime was committed because they are not designed to establish the elements of a crime; they are only designed to punish based on an individual violating some sort of rule or regulation.
An extreme example would be for a mental hospital to make it a violation of internal policy to be out of bed between the hours of 10pm and 5am, with a punishment of a refusal to give treatment, and then enforce the policy against a patient who was out of bed because they were on the floor thrashing around in a seizure. The policy's intent would be to keep patients from wandering the halls or getting into trouble in their rooms, but the result could very well be to punish someone for something entirely different. Sure, the patient was out of bed which violated policy, and it's unfortunate that they are going to be punished for something out of their control, but hey, don't blame me. Blame the policy. That poor guy got hung up in the machine. It's not my fault.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the guy's authoritarian grandfather who gave him the knife condones zero tolerance policies - with a blatant but reasonable exception for his grandson, of course - because he used to apply them for DUIs. And DUI laws are well known as being a fantastic policy.
Ultimately, I place the blame on lawyers since I believe that just about all of America's problems can be traced back to them, but it's high time we start holding educators responsible again, instead of allowing them to craft regulations that can ultimately destroy a child's future.
I need to buy some time
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
For those who are thinking of supporting Bob McDonnell
I'm not advocating voting for Creigh Deeds, but I am spreading the word.
I'm not voting for either one.
(H/T War on Guns)
Moron safe schools
Anyways, yesterday I posted about the six year old who was suspended from school with a recommendation for 45 days in a reform school (Phenomenal. Maybe they planned on strapping him in a chair, then taping his eyes open while he watched a flicker show running old Trinity test footage and bounding kittens, or some shit. One can only imagine.) for bringing a Cub Scout tool to his school.
Fortunately, the school board reversed this asinine punishment and dropped the whole thing. Unfortunately, there are still clueless moonbat educators in his school that are still willing and able to destroy a child over something as trivial as this:
Hey, stupid! How exactly do you "protect students" by punishing them over the possession of an object? If a child brings or improvises something as weapon, and has intent to use it as a weapon, or attacks another student with a weapon, then the kid will still get punished. I don't see that that's in question.Jennifer Jankowski, who runs the special education programs at Jennie Smith Elementary in Newark, said schools need to be vigilant about protecting students. If Zachary or another student had been hurt by the knife, she said, the district would have taken the blame.
"If we can't punish him, then what about kids that did bring (a weapon) for bad things?" Jankowski said. "There's more to the school's side than just us being mean and not taking this child's interests into account."
What is in question is your sanity. What you're saying is that in order to justly punish one kid for actually committing violence, you have to have a history of proactively punishing every kid who crosses an arbitrary line that they're not even aware of regardless of their intent.
It is astounding to me that people focus so intently on the object instead of the person; as if the there is something inherently evil about a thing and the thing alone, with nothing at all to do with the mentality of the person controlling the thing.
A sharpened pencil in and of itself is not a weapon. It can become a weapon if the student uses it as such. A knife is not in and of itself a weapon, but the intent of the person controlling it can make it one.
Are educators really so irresponsible and/or stupid that they can't wield some discretion? "Too bad that we have to throw little Johnny out of school over that plastic knife; but, ya' know, the law is the law. It's out of our hands, see. It's The Law. -- The. Law."
It's ignorant teachers like Jankowski that are the reason why I won't send my kids to public school. If teachers are so focused on destroying kids over something that they should have a better grasp of, instead of what they're supposed to be teaching, then count me out.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
More on safe schools
Still feeling safe about having armed security at your school? Highly trained guardians of society are the Only Ones professional enough to be armed? Is this the guy you would want keeping you safe in school? Didn't think so.
A shiny thing on the shirt does not magically make someone competent to have a firearm.
Also, here is a blinding example of why the "guns in bars" argument is stupid. Scumbags are going to be armed regardless of signs or laws. They will be armed in bars, schools, or anywhere else they happen to be. Barring non-criminals who are not violent from carrying where alcohol is served is pointless, as there will still be criminals armed there.
(H/T The Agitator)
This mentality has to stop
"There is just something absurd about denying an infant."What's absurd is expecting someone else to pay for your child's care. That's what he is saying. The evil health insurance company denied taking his claim because they saw a risk. Even if they didn't see a risk, who the hell is this guy to expect a service from anyone? Does he have a right to demand coverage from a private company, or does a private company have the right to deny anyone for anything?
Don't get me wrong, I think all insurance companies are scumbags, but you can't fault them for not providing you a voluntary service when they don't think they will get something of equal or greater value. That's not them being greedy; that's pure and simple commerce.
You want something from them, but they don't think they have anything to gain by giving it to you.
When I was a teenager, I drove my car recklessly, racking up ticket after ticket, so insurance companies didn't think my $300 monthly contribution was worth the risk of insuring my reckless ass. Why would they?
I hold no allegiance to insurance companies, and as such I am always shopping for a better deal. Equal or greater value. To think that insurance companies are evil because they are doing the same thing is exactly what's absurd.
This give-me mentality has to stop.
You would think. . . .
"I'd like to think if I call 911 because I think there's an emergency that they're going to respond," Smondrowski continued.If three burglars broke into your house, and you called 911 and nobody came, what would you do?
It happens folks.
Good question
Classmates of the victim say he's a member of the Coast Guard, and he's one of the biggest guys at school. They say he fought the attacker off, but some wonder what would have happened to someone smaller in stature and unable to fight back.First off, the school needs to immediately plaster the campus with "Hammer Free Zone" signs to prevent this sort of thing from happening again. A solid policy discriminating against Middle Eastern men, as well as three-quarter length pants probably wouldn't hurt either.
But back to the question that most definitely needed to be asked: what would the outcome be in a similar attack where the victim was smaller, or unable to physically fight back? What could the victim possibly use to minimize the disparity of force that is presented by multiple attackers, or an attacker with a weapon? Damn, I can't think of one single thing that could be used effectively by a student.
I do note how irresponsible the school was to have buildings that don't require an ID card, or even a body cavity search for that matter; it's no wonder the Coast Guardsman "paid the price." Can't be too safe.
They did have video cameras, as the school indoctrinatees don't seem to mind being surveilled, but that seems to have had no impact whatsoever in stopping or preventing the attack; although we now know the man has poor fashion sense.
Now, before some troll comes on here bemoaning me implying that students should not be barred the use arms, do notice the youthful armed security guards manning the doors, as well as the students saying how wonderful and safe they feel having guys with guns around them.
Armed students? That's crazy talk! Someone could get hurt! Firearms are dangerous, and students are too young and stupid to use them. But put on a blue shirt with a shiny thingy on their breast, and magically everything is safe! Wow! Armed security is good-to-go!
So, the solution seems to be if you want to carry an effective tool for defense while attending college, you have to have one of these lest some emasculated schoolboy hyperventilates at the thought of you not being adequately qualified.
Technical difficulties
I will snap some pictures tonight and get them up ASAP; that is, if my ankle biters allow me the time.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
DPMS Magazine remedy
A commenter on that post, as well as others on the forum noted to never ever ever take a Dremel to feed ramps, but it was suggested to try modifying the magazine feed lips. That's exactly what I did.
I thought about ordering a feed lips tool, but instead went with channel lock pliers because I had them right there next to me. The trick is to bring the forward edge of the feed lips up, and the rear edge of the feed lips down.

This can only be done on a level best measured in smidgens as they will contact the bottom of the bolt carrier if you raise them too much. Look on the underside of your bolt carrier and you will see the two channels that the ramps run through. Despite this, it can easily be done with channel locks, although I would recommend the feed lips tool from Brownells. To bring the rear edge of the feed lips down, I used a small brass hammer and tapped semi-gently.
To measure your progress, load a non-modified magazine with a couple of rounds to give yourself something to go off of by eye. Make a careful adjustment of one edge of a feed lip, and then load a round and give it a look:

The magazine on the left is unmodified; notice how low the round is presented in the magazine. The two on the right were modified and you can clearly see how much higher the tip of the rounds are pointing. Here's a side profile look:

Again, the magazine on the left is the unmodified one, and the round is pointing much lower. In this picture you can see where the rounds used to hit at the bottom of the feed ramps, and that gives you an idea of why tipping them up gives a smoother feed:

This picture shows where the back edge of the feed lips needs to be brought down. Both mags are modified, but the mag on the left only has the foward edges of the feed lips modified and you can see the very slight gap between the lip and rear of the case. The mag on the right does not have a gap because I tapped it down with the brass hammer ***Unload the magazine each time you decide to use the hammer.***

Now, these magazines load and unload rough from the factory, and commenter sleepercaprice1 noted in this post to disassemble the mags and file the flashing lines off of the follower, so that is what I did. He was right.
The mags run much smoother with this simple modification. Just take a small file or some fine grit sandpaper and take down that rough edge that runs all the way around the follower. Once you assemble the magazine, you can feel the difference just by pushing down on the follower.
That's what I got folks. I have a range report that is not very promising, but I intend to shoot again today, so there will be a post about it sometime today or tommorow.
Friday, October 9, 2009
My morning laugh
Why the long face?
The Norwegians gave that shiny thing to such people as Yasser Arafat -- who pretty much got it because the only peaceful thing he ever accomplished in life was to stop bombing civilians long enough to fly to the US and talk to Jimmy Carter; and to Al Gore, who didn't get it for doing anything peaceful but for spreading the word on "settled science" -- instead of people who really did something great, like Irena Sendler, Winston Churchill, or, in the case of 2009, Greg Mortenson.
These awards are just political jelly beans to be handed out these days, and not at all about doing anything great for the world. A shiny golden blow-job for the political elite.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Morning roundup
Update: So far it looks like Melanie's husband, who was a parole officer and prison guard, did the shooting.
First up, it's Pimp Your Galil day in Mexico! Check out some of the weapons the Mexican drug cartels acquired from US gunshows, like rifle grenades, short barreled rifles, RPGs, and 120mm terror. No, seriously, stop laughing. It's true. Really.
Next up, go over to Practical Riflery Forums to see my latest range work. I got my 308 to run perfectly, and I will be doing a write up with pics this weekend.
A tragic murder suicide in Ohio that will be making a buzz around the gun community. There's not alot of info yet, but I'll update if I find more.
Creepy NRA video promoting Bob McDonnell.
NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg blows $1.5 million taxpayer dollars 'proving' nothing during an attempt to smear gun shows. The Associated Press again asserts the incompetence of their writers by confusing "occasional sellers" (random citizen selling privately owned gun) with a gun dealer (Citizen licenced to sell guns as a business).
TSA almost, but not quite, catches a kid boarding a plane from Oregon to Illinois using his mothers ID and name. It was a good effort though; maybe next time fellas. Until then, you keep on keeping the skies safe from terrorists!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Health care politics
Fortunately, there are excellent minds out there that articulate political views in detail that I have to completely agree with; so go on over to The Smallest Minority for a rundown on the health care/insurance debacle.
The tide is turning
That last bit is of course because Chicago may get its ass handed to it over its handgun ban in the Supreme Court, although I could be wrong. Time will tell.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
If firefighters didn't have firetrucks
Jacob Sullum at does a great job of tearing down the latest anti-gun study released on the American Journal of Public Heath.
It's quick and worth your time.
A case of handgun violence
LAKELAND, Fla. — A Tampa couple and an Irish tourist were shot at a Lakeland gun range after a handgun accidentally fired.Dear heavens!! Has the handgun been formally charged?
I was not aware that handguns could do anything accidentally, but apparently they can indeed go berserk:
Polk County sheriff's deputies say it's not entirely clear how many times Michael and Sherri Thourot's 9mm accidentally went off Saturday, or what caused the handgun to fire.Someone needs to alert the Associated Press that 9mm'ers are not accident prone; and that this erroneous garbage article is not only expected from AP journalists, it should be reworded thusly: it's not entirely clear how many times Michael and Sherri Thourot negligently fired their 9mm Saturday, injuring themselves and others.
My blog may be full of any number of grammatical or punctuation errors, but at least I have enough common sense to know that inanimate objects cannot do anything on their own.
But just so you know:
The pistol was a Jennings make.There's part of the problem right there. What self respecting gun range allows idiots to fire a Jennings pistol?
Update: Another report says that the gun malfunctioned and emptied the magazine without anyone touching it. Sounds a bit far fetched to me, but if it turns out to be true, I'll eat my crow.
Something doesn't seem right with the article though. It says that the gun was brought home from Iraq, and implies that it could have been tampered with. While this could be in the realm of possibility, it's highly unlikely because it's very difficult to bring stuff home from a war these days. Customs confiscates a ton of stuff whether it poses a danger or not, and they perform several very thorough searches.
I had trouble bringing a MSR camping stove home from my second deployment. The base post office didn't bat an eye about the empty fuel bottle - just the stove. And the customs goons in Kuwait confiscated my unloaded Beretta M9 magazines. Ask anyone who's been on a deployment and they will tell you how strict those punks are, and about all the stuff on their banned list. Firearms are one of the top of that list.
They wouldn't let me fly home with empty mags in my checked baggage, so how did he bring a pistol home at all?
(H/T David Codrea at the Philly Gun Rights Examiner)
Holy Mackerel!!
One day society will embrace the usage of small portable devices that would aid in stopping such attacks.
I see the camel's nose
And no doubt that will be the only exception. Because we all know how altruistic, fair and caring government regulators can be, so there's no chance that 4, 5, or 20 years down the road some random thirty something year old blogger will get his door smashed in by an over eager team of FTC SWAT officers for daring to allow an advertiser to grace his blog.The FTC's proposal made many bloggers anxious. They said the scrutiny would make them nervous about posting even innocent comments.
To placate such fears, Cleland said the FTC will more likely go after an advertiser instead of a blogger for violations. The exception would be a blogger who runs a "substantial" operation that violates FTC rules and already received a warning, he said.
This is definitely getting filed under the "what could possibly go wrong" category. As it stands, our system of government is run by people who just can't stand to see something unregulated; and there is no shortage of Americans who are willing to give it up for some oversight.
What a shame.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Whoa, stop the press!!
Asked Sunday about criticism of the increased surveillance, Mr. Bloomberg said: “We live in a world where we have to have a balance. We can’t just say everybody can go everyplace and do anything they want.”Really? But I thought this was the land of the free??
Apparently this man thinks that it's the home of the surveilled, and that it's totally cool to go about your day as long as there's an underpaid goon in a room somewhere suspiciously watching your every move; all while on your dime.
This form of thinking is a startling reality that has smitten one too many Americans. You can't be trusted to live in society without someone watching you suspiciously because it's just too dangerous now, as opposed to, say, anytime last century or the one before, or even five or six hundred years ago. Things are only now getting out of hand.
He added, “Do you really want to work in a building that doesn’t have security?”Yes, douchebag, I do. I'm pretty sure that the majority of Americans feel that way too; although, admittedly, probably not as many on your end.
It's crazy to me that this guy has risen to such prominence. How do people like this get attention? Do Americans really feel like they need someone to take care of them at every step?
Morally righteous DC citizen thwarts carjackers with a firearm
What?? He stood his ground and used a portable hand held device created only for killing masses of innocents to ward off highly trained and armed criminals?!?! And they fled?!?In Sunday's incident, the D.C. officer, whose name was not released, had just parked his vehicle on Brooks Drive about 6:20 a.m. As he got out, he was approached by two people, county police said.
One showed a gun and demanded the officer's keys. The officer got his service weapon and fired, police said. As the two people ran, one fired back, police said.
That defies all logic! Someone could have been hurt; or even worse, they could have taken his gun from him and stole his car!! Why the officer didn't wip out his rat tailed comb and vomit is anyone's guess.
Me personally, anytime someone gets a little too close to my automobile I poop my britches, vomit, and then scream "Get away!!! I'm pregnant!!" while pointing to my crotch indicating my rampant STDs. Sure, you may laugh, but nobody. . .and I mean NOBODY. . .approaches too close to my car. Can't be too safe.
Update: More police recklessness; this time in Texas! Why the officer didn't just let the robber have what he wanted. And what was he thinking using a gun against him when he was holding a hostage? YOUR COMB!!! USE YOUR RAT TAILED COMB!!!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Omaha beach today
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Enough of this "sniper" stuff!!
I wish reporters like Stephanie Barish and Chris Glorioso weren't so childish. This business of calling any gunman or pellet gunman (remember who coined that term folks) a sniper makes me roll my eyes; even as I realize that all lowlife journalists use scare words to scare viewers into reading their trash.
Maybe it's because I respect the sniper profession and the few men and women who earn that title, or maybe it's because I admire accuracy and despise the disingenuous crap that is considered journalism these days, but man do I hate the SNIPER theme that emanates from the cesspool of big box news.
So do me a favor guys and grow the hell up. Stop insulting snipers with your silly fantasies of pellet gunman and broken glass.
With that said, shooting people with a BB gun is a serious crime that should land someone a healthy punishment. Even if they're teens, a slap on the wrist just won't cut it.
Why such urgency?
"This is one we wanted to solve with the utmost urgency!" Peskin exclaimed. According to police, the alleged thief is John Prentis.So when crooks rob the citizens you're sworn to protect, it's not considered the "utmost urgency?" It's only when a crook steals from the king that things get serious?
That's not the best attitude.
I will hand it to the police chief though that he admits error on the police department, though not up to the point of taking personal responsibility.
And why wouldn't a scumbag want to steal from a police station? They're well known to have large amounts of cash (like here), drugs, guns, and other random stuff that has been confiscated. It's the perfect place to steal from.
What would be a better place to steal from? Target? Borders?
Second Amendment in the Supreme Court again
At issue is whether the constitutional "right of the people to keep and bear arms" applies to local gun control ordinances, or only to federal restrictions. The basic question has remained unanswered for decades, and gives the conservative majority on the high court another chance to allow individuals expanded weapon ownership rights.Overall it's a pretty informative article on the issue, but curiously the writer notes the "larger issue" being whether gun ownership is an individual vs collective right; that of course was decided by the Supreme Court last year with the Heller case, which the article does go on to explain.
A hero's return
DoD sent a team to track down the man who shot his helo down, and then confirm that it was indeed CWO Phelps remains. Now his wife and family finally find closure.BOISE - After four decades, an Idaho soldier is finally home.
Chief Warrant Officer Jesse Phelps was flying a helicopter in December 1965, when it was shot down in the highlands of Vietnam.
Welcome home sir!