The tenth handloaded round went into denim clad water jugs to find out if they do as well as the factory rounds I water tested, and I don't have a picture but the expanded bullet looks identical, and measured almost the exact same -- .55" at the widest point. Denim has a way of slowing the expansion process a bit, but it doesn't seem to be able to stop a Gold Dot.

Also, the handloads shot to point-of-aim at 25 yards and 50 yards, just like the factory rounds, so no sight adjustment is necessary. Something I've never tried before until a few days ago is sealing the primer and case mouth, and I did it because CCI/Speer seals the primer/case mouth on the Gold Dot line. I've read that it doesn't make a bit of difference in real world testing, but I found out from my testing that it certainly does. I submerged three rounds each of non-sealed and sealed handloads for five days; one round of each tip up, tip down, and on its side, and I had two of the non-sealed rounds give me lower velocities than normal (801 and 851 fps), and one of the sealed rounds gave me 1,018 fps. Since the sealed rounds were my very first attempt and my technique sucks, I'm giving it another try against factory Gold Dots to see if I can match or beat their standard.
While I was there my brother and I ran another 250 rounds of Federal 115 grain loads through the P30, and he shot his M&P Pro at the plates. That puts my trouble-free round count at 1,798 rounds, and my brother's somewhere in the neighborhood of 4,000 rounds he reports. Plastic guns are super reliable these days.
Saturday I was home with just me and my two youngest sons, basically kidless for me, and I took the time to wash approximately 4,000 9mm cases in preparation for some bulk reloading. I've decided to cast 147 grain bullets for this gun, so that's going to be underway here very shortly.

I also got a chance to make a double epi-pen ankle holster, a picture of which I didn't get a chance to upload yet. My wife halfway mocks me on the matter, considering what a huge dork that I am, but I'm not out to win any fashion shows and I remind her that I am now carrying both epi-pens with me at all times. My next move is to make that medical ID bracelet I've been bitching about.
That's what I've got for the moment. Anyone else have a ranger report to share?
Color me jealous that you have a private range.
We need to go shooting sometime.
Any time you want!
two epi pens for double the fun, or 2 people with bad allergies?
Sadly, no range report, on travel in Kalifornia...
I went to the range with so much ammo for all my guns that I had to have a friend help me carry it.
Then the damn alarm went off, and I had to get up for work...
Mike - I'm told to take both of them. So far so good though; the oral meds I've been given work fast enough that I haven't needed the epipens, and my doctor was fairly surprised at that the other day. When I have a reaction it's a whole body kind of thing, and it can be horrific to look at.
Old NFO - hang in there! You picked the worst time of year to go, but hopefully there's some sunny days in there for you.
MSgt B - Ha! I have dreams like that too! Though they tend to include zombies nowadays since I've been on a Walking Dead kick.
put about 1000 rounds of ammo through my xdm only to notice that i beat the shit out of my extractor and slide with steel ammo, switching back to brass. picked up about 5-600 brass casing saving up for reloading kit.
oh and both parents enjoyed the "article" i printed off
thanks again
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