Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Where did all the music stores go?

I swear, it couldn't have been a year or two ago the local mall had several stores that sell music CDs, and now they're all gone. Sure, there's still Wal-Mart, Target, or Best Buy if you have the hankerin for an entire case of Lady Gaga or Rihanna, but where do you go when you scratch your Sonic Brew or NOLA CD? Certainly not Target.


Broken Andy said...

You go... online.

Yet one more way Steve Jobs has changed our world.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I'm starting to see that now. I had to order 2 cds yesterday that I can't find on shelves.

Broken Andy said...

What are CDs? :-)

Unknown said...

I know, I know. Technology is getting ahead of me. My XTerra has an "old school" CD player in it that won't play MP3 or other format music, so for the time being I'm screwed.