Friday, September 30, 2011
Women like guns? Who knew?
"Help! Help! I need you!"
The video doesn't include the aftermath, or whether the fires effectively stopped the fight or not, but it does give you an idea of how much caution goes into using such a weapon system on the ground. Nobody wants HE rounds hitting the wrong target.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
M14 in service photos
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Hospital blogging
Sorry about the lack of posting. I've been out of town on travel only to rush home to the hospital to be with my wife. Everything is going to be fine, but I'm growing a bit tired of this place. My family has a permanent timeshare at the hospital.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Gun show scores
My score included a box of 95 grain Winchester Ranger-T for the Kel-Tec; I'm going to run them through the paces to see if they're worthy of being a carry load. Until then I'll stick with the 100 grain Buffalo Bore Hard Cast. At one of the tables I picked up a used Lee single stage press in good condition for $20. Can't have too many of those. I've already cleaned it up, greased it, and found a place for it to work on my reloading bench.
Both Andy and I brought sons along for the show. When I was a kid, the gun show was held at the local National Guard armory, and I still remember my dad and grandad carrying me around to look at all the guns. I don't think my son will remember this particular trip; he was as unbehaved as he could possibly be, at one point screaming at me red-faced "I'M MAD AT YOU" for no reason that I'm aware of, and at another time tipping over a fifty round MTM box full of 8mm tracer rounds at a dollar a piece, spilling them all over the concrete floor. I didn't find out until I got home that he had a fever, so he has an alibi for his recalcitrance.
Friday, September 16, 2011
I like big knives, and I can not lie

For scale:

That's a 1st generation Cold Steel Recon-1 with a 4" blade, and a 2 liter of Coke at the top.
This is a massive knife, which most people are not accustomed to or don't see the need for that much blade. Most folks stick with 3" - 3 1/2" blades for EDC, but I've always preferred a 4" folder. I don't consider folding knives to be weapons; they are convenient utility tools that I put to use every single day for mundane tasks like cutting up boxes or getting rid of irish pennants (Google is your friend). The more blade you have, the more you can get accomplished.
To be honest, the Voyager won't be my EDC unless I'm going to be doing work outside. It's niche is probably in a backpack or clipped to a belt when you go down into the woods. For the moment though, it's in my pocket so that I can get a feel for how it carries. With Grivory grips with aluminum liners, it's not all that heavy for its size. The handles have iron cross-like texturing that provide excellent grip, and the contour is such that you can grab up close to the blade for more control, or down towards the hook at the bottom of the handle for chopping. The Voyager would be great for camping.
Here's another picture for scale:

The 5 1/2" blade is still not in Ka-Bar territory, but it dwarfs the Benchmade Rukus' 4 1/4" blade. The Voyager weighs in at 7.2 oz., which is lighter than the Rukus at 7.7 oz. The S30V steel in the Rukus is also a bitch to sharpen, but the Voyager's AUS-8A should be easy to take care of. Overall I'm impressed with the quality: the lockup is very tight and everything feels very well made. It came shaving sharp, but as always I can do better. It's a good knife to have around, and I'm sure I can find a proper career for it somewhere.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Semper Fidelis
On Thursday, President Obama will award the Medal of Honor to retired Marine Sgt. Dakota Meyer.Yuuuuuuut!!!
Marines are still putting the smack down on our enemies.
With ten plus years of war for our country, I expected more of our warriors to receive the nation's highest medals. They earned it; pay up.
Coming or going?
It's good to put blind speculation in a news article and present it to the world as fact. No big deal.MCALLEN, Texas (Reuters) - U.S. Border Patrol agents found a rocket launcher, assault rifles and explosives near the Rio Grande river in Texas, the agency said on Wednesday, a discovery that suggests a link to Mexico's drug wars.
Officials theorized that the guns were waiting to be smuggled across the border into Mexico, but said that was just speculation.
So a cache of weapons including grenade launchers, rocket launchers, and C-4 explosives were "intended to go South" based on aforementioned speculation and past cases? Whatever. No doubt these items were bought at the local gunshow for next to nothing with no background check.
If these weapons weren't being transported North by cartel members who got them from the Mexican government, then they had to have been provided by a US government entity that has the ability to acquire them. Wonder who that could be.
How did he do it?!?!?
The apparent ease with which James Ray Palmer entered the building -- straight through the front door -- has raised questions about safety even in small county courthouses and prompted a reexamination of security measures there.Oh. I'm thinking that the Gun Free Zone signs should now be made large enough to completely block access to the front door of courthouses, and should be made out of 1/2" steel plate so that armed madmen cannot wander in and shoot up people in the hallway unchallenged for eight full minutes. That would work in the interim.
A full time solution to prevent armed attacks like this in the future it would probably be to pass laws making it illegal to shoot up courthouses, or to even carry guns in there, and to have armed cops screen and disarm all those who enter the building. . . . . .hmmmmm. Maybe that's not such a good idea after all.
I did note to that he had a CCW and no prior history of violence. It happens.
So harlots may live
To be fair to the porn industry, at least they are finally planning for the inevitable fact that they will miss the rapture. That's being prepared!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
What cartridge?
If you want to know the particulars of specific cartridges, this thread on the topic at Sniper's Hide is the place to start. I also highly suggest using JBM Ballistics as a means of calculating the range and power of different cartridges that you may be interested in.
In my youth, the unchallenged answer to getting more range for hunting was to go bigger bigger bigger bigger with a side of as-fast-as-possible. In those days, hunters didn't use rifle scopes with turrets or rangefinding reticles to compensate for distance; duplex reticles were the most popular by far, so in order to get a gain in Point Blank Range, you had to have lots and lots of velocity. This is why there are cartridges like the .220 Swift and .300 Weatherby Magnum. What cracks me up is that even today I know plenty of people who still subscribe to this mindset, and have seriously overbored cartridges for shooting little Virginia deer at ranges that seldom go beyond 80 yards.
To each their own, I guess.
If you're not into being way overgunned, than a little bit of research combined with JBM Ballistics will lead you to the proper hunting/target/tactical cartridge that won't break your shoulder or your wallet. Why feed a barrel burning .338 Thorhammerlighningdragonslayer when you could accomplish the same job with a .270 Winchester?
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The Beast that will not sleep
And so it was at three ay-ehm, in the year of our Lord, two thousand eleven, I, CTone, was sitting in the Recliner of Squeakiness trying to please the Beast with gifts of the finest plastic binkys and soft blankets woven from the manes of unicorn foals. Finally, when the sun crested on yonder hill, the Beast found satisfaction from a magic potion made of Formula from the distant land of Enfamil; but only after the Beast's portion of the elixir was tripled did he slumber in sweet Formula induced coma. The Beast was then strapped gently into the Swing of Peace, so as to not awaken him, and then once he was temporarily bound in the Swing was there silence in the land.
I cry out now from the Sea of Exhaustion where I must perform my duties with diligence under much gnashing of teeth. Tonight I shall not fail to please the Beast.
Monday, September 12, 2011
The news isn't fun to read anymore
The first news article that caught my eye this morning though was the headline/quote from president Obama stating that "America does not give in to fear," which made me snort just a little bit. The news has been awash with stories fear for eleven days, pondering the next terrorist strike that is bound to happen at any moment. Any minute now. . . .
We have uniformed government workers sexually assaulting random Americans at airports and bus stops, F16 fighters escorting air planes to the ground, bomb scares in Boston, Kansas City, Los Angeles, and D.C. ; and in New York:
Yeah, we sure don't give in to fear not one little bit. Nothing tells me that the republic is at ease like amassed police with automatic weapons in major cities. My favorite, sweet little truffle from yesterday morning's news:New York police amassed a display of force on Friday including checkpoints that snarled traffic in response to intelligence about a car or truck bomb plot linked to the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
Officers armed with automatic weapons were stationed at city landmarks including Wall Street, Times Square and the September 11 memorial site where the Twin Towers once stood.
New Yorkers who have grown accustomed to bag searches at subway stations and random displays of police presence encountered increased vigilance after the threat, which prompted President Barack Obama to order a redoubling of U.S. counterterrorism efforts.
Mejia now is close to marking her fourth year as a TSA security officer. She has worked every September 11, she said. "It's somewhat an honor to be here today, to watch, to say that people are not afraid to fly, and we are here to help," Mejia said.This is from an article titled "Travelers feel fear, resolve about flying on September 11." Someone should probably tell her that thousands, if not millions of Americans fear flying the other 364 days out of the year because of the fear of having their intimate body parts rigorously fondled by blue-glove wearing tyrants who work for the TSA.
"Nearing the end of this violation, I sobbed even louder as the woman, FOUR
TIMES, stuck the side of her gloved hand INTO my vagina, through my pants. Between my labia. She really got up there. Four times. Back right and left, and
front right and left. In my vagina. Between my labia. I was shocked -- utterly
unprepared for how she got the side of her hand up there. It was government-sanctioned sexual assault."
I know I always feel safer about travel knowing that when I get to the airport, there is a high likelyhood that some disgusting stranger in a dirty blue shirt will painfully grab ahold of my satchel; but it's awesome though and totally worth it because some spineless wimp of a man behind me will feel like these good hearted goverment agents are dilligently keeping everyone safe. Even though they're not.
Fear not, muslim friends, we're here to find terrorists. I'm clearing your minds of all anxiety." - Sarah; Team America: World PoliceHave a safe day!!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
I sense a disturbance in the internets
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Range day
Like Andy, I learned some valuable lessons from the trip: 1) rifles don't shoot all that great when you forget to bring the ammunition that goes with them; 2) iron sights will get you hits when your scope will not; 3) I need to shoot more with Andy.
We had a blast. At the last minute I packed the shorty Mosin Nagant with some corrosive commie ammo, and it turned out to be a hit. Shooting the blasty little rifle at a hanging bucket at 100 yards offhand is fun, and should be done more often. Andy got his AR sighted in at 100 yards and was making hits at 200 on 4 power, while I couldn't hit jack with my AR on 7 power at any range. My shiny new MK12 sat on the bench like a goon because all the ammo I spent loading was left at home on my bench. I got to shoot a Ruger 10/22, which I hadn't got to do in years, and was so impressed that I got it in my head to acquire one as quickly as possible; that turned out to be last night when I got an almost brand new one on a trade.
Our fun came to an end when my nemesis reared her ugly head from out of nowhere and started slaying trees all around us. We still had a lot of fun.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Marine Corps Snipers
***ETA: Link fixed. Sleep deprivation and all that!
Future weapon violence
Don't knock it before you watched the whole thing through.