Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A robbery gone well

Story with video from three cameras of two armed scumbags taking fire from a victim.  The two scumbags were tripping over one another trying to get away.  Don't mess with the elderly!

Funny, I've been told that the .380 ACP cartridge was too weak for defensive work -- more info from someone in the know.


  1. I posted this video on my AGilr FB page last night. I like to see the good guys get it right.

  2. A gun, regardless of caliber is better than NO gun... Just sayin... And yeah, he done good! :-)

  3. if that man was an off duty cop they would give him the medal of valor. instead the news reports like that he's LUCKY no one is pressing charges. if i ever meet that man i'm buying him a pint.

  4. HELLO! Hello...hello...hello

    HELLO? Hello?...hello...hello

  5. Excellent post! Thanks for sharing your ideas. Keep it up.
