Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Myth busted

I've often heard that big ol' honkin sedans from the 50s through the 70s are far safer than the plastic fantastic cars of today because the oldies have so much metal in them and will withstand a collision much better.  My gut feeling from seeing piles of multi-car accidents in this day and age where everybody comes out unscathed tends to disagree with that statement, and without even looking I find some evidence to support my gut: lots of slow motion footage of a 59 Bel Air hitting a 09 Malibu head on.

One of those crash test dummies took a direct hit to the dome-piece by the steering column which would surely have been fatal to a flesh-and-blood driver, and the other dummy looks like he would have made it out okay had he been real.  I'll stick with modern safety standards, thank you very much!


  1. Cool, but where did they get that old '59 Bel Air? And was their first thought, "Let's wreck this vintage car?"

  2. You know, I didn't even think about that. It's kinda like Dukes of Hazard where they wrecked hundreds of Chargers without a care.

  3. Regardless of which age car you use, the laws of gross tonnage STILL apply... Saw a head on between a Ram pickup and a Smart car- Guess who lost... Steering wheel of Smart car was sticking out what was left of the back window, with bits and pieces still hanging off it...

  4. Everything you right about, I have no clue, so I can't ever comment, but I just wanted to say hey!

  5. Old NFO - very true. Especially the bigger vehicles that are up high, like jacked up trucks!

    AGirl - Hey there! MSgt B seems to have the bewbs theme cornered, so I've comfortably settled into only posting about random stuff that's either gun/military related, or is entertaining or funny.

  6. Lol, I find all your posts interesting, I just don't know much about riffles or cars or planes etc. I enjoy the post, I just have nothing to offer in term of a comment.

    I'll be back tomorrow...lurking:)
