Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Life will not be normal for a few weeks

My youngest son is recovering from his trip down the stairs the other day, and the bone doc told us this morning to expect him to be on the mend for around four weeks.  This weekend was very rigorous, as baby CTone has enjoyed his mobility for some time now, and is not accepting the fact that he is now limited.  What that basically means is that he was held most of the weekend, and the whole time he was trying his hardest to squirm away.  And he's huge, and heavy, for a ten-month old, so when he tries to launch himself from my arms for hours at a time it really wears me down.

Man, I'm tired. . . . .

ETA:  I'll let the little guy explain to you how he feels:

Life ain't so bad!


  1. Kids are tiring in the best of times. Don't fret, it only lasts 18-20 years. :-)

    Glad the boy is taking it well. That's a blessing in disguise.

  2. Sorry he took a spill. Sorry you are tired. David's right, these next 20 years will just fly by:)

  3. As I tell my daughter when she talks about her 3 daughters - ages 1 month to 6 years - things will be much better when they're 13! :)

    Sorry for the little guy's spill, he looks like a tough critter though! I suspect he might heal a bit quicker than you expect.

  4. Thanks, y'all. He's been in good spirits throughout this whole ordeal.

    And time has definitely sped up since I had kids. I can't wait till this mine are all grown up and can cut the grass, or be useful in some way shape or form. Why are y'all laughing!

  5. Oh, that picture didn't come up before. What a sweetie. Poor little guy!

  6. Yep, it's NOT going to be fun... BTDT...

  7. I feel for ya man! If there's anything I can do, let me know.

  8. How is the little man doing? How are you?
