Monday, April 9, 2012

The enemy within burns bright

This past Friday I got home from work and all was well, and within a half an hour timespan the sickness crept up on me and took me down like an old sick deer. Saturday and Sunday found me alternating between the chills and burning fever, with super swollen tonsils and eardrums. Having a fever Saturday morning worked out well for me though: I spent the morning outside in the 55ish degree weather in a T-shirt, sweat pouring from my face as I cast 147 grain flat-nose bullets. Even with that, it's been complete agony the past few days, and unless there's a break in the pain, tomorrow isn't looking so well either. I haven't been sick on a level like this in a long time. I have some fun filled pictures from Saturday to post, and maybe I'll get around to that tonight or tomorrow morning some time.


  1. Hope you feel well enough to go shooting soon.

    Tried to poke some fun at you yesterday, but I couldn't get any takers.


    No one appreciates a good joke anymore...
