Friday, March 2, 2012

It's not the car, but the driver

Or an alternative is that it's not the rifle, but the shooter, that wins matches.

A man takes 3rd place in a rifle match using a rifle with a barrel made from rebar and scope mounts epoxied and wired on. It's in the March issue of Precision Shooter magazine which I do not have access to at the moment. This goes to show you that all the high dollar equipment in the world doesn't trump good 'ol fashioned talent.


  1. That string is hilarious! And that ol' boy could make some serious $$ at a range with that set up :-)

  2. CTone is rummaging in his basement for some rebar right now...

  3. You bet! There's some pretty good deals on used lathes on Craigslist, too!

  4. Somewhere in America there's a prosecutor with political ambitions searching for a way to prosecute him for manufacturing a firearm from non-approved materials.
