Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tiger snake has balls

Or. . . . had balls. Ouch!

As Jackson Scott crouched in the dark at a remote Tasmanian farm, a highly venomous tiger snake bit his testicle, The Sun reported today.
No one offered to cut an "X" into his skin and suck the poison out, fortunately. Lesson learned: don't poop in the bushes in Australia.


  1. "don't poop in the bushes in Australia."

    duly noted!

  2. Those snakes are scary... imagine a pissed off water moccasin, and they swim, climb trees, and will actually chase you!

  3. Now that you mention it, every water snake I've ever encountered has been overly aggressive. Good point.

  4. tough call, i could love you like a brother...probably couldn't cut n' suck either. i would however give them my last beer and tell them a good story.
