Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Running late

I had a great time this Saturday at the blog shoot at the NRA range in Fairfax, Virginia. Though I've lived about an hour away most of my life, I've never been to the National Firearms Museum there; I consider anything North of Stafford, Virginia to be indian territory, so I rarely travel that far. Shooting at the range and browsing the museum with fellow gun bloggers was good to go, and I finally got to put faces to names/blogs:

My Muse shanked me

The Miller

In Search of the Tempestuous Sea

United Conservatives of Virginia (cargosquid)

Excels at Nothing (who I missed because I had to leave)

And also AJ and his wife

I wish I could have stayed for lunch, but I had friends driving up from Georgia to stay at my house for the weekend, and there were things that needed to get done around the house before they arrived. Fortunately, we all live relatively close (except for AJ, who drove down from New York, ouch!), so we can do a lunch or another shoot sometime in the future.


  1. I've been reading the AAR's in the event. I'm sorry to have missed it. But, watching my son swim in States was worth it! Really want to get to the NRA digs someday.

  2. There will be more opportunities. I think we're all realizing how close we all are, and how easy it is to put something together.

  3. David, I don't think anybody would fault you for putting family first. As CTone says, there will be more opportunities.

    CTone, thanks for coming. It was great shooting with you again.

  4. Hey Ctone- you don't know me, so I'll introduce myself. Name is Kevin, avid shooter from the (blue) not-so-gun-friendly state of Illinois. I ran across your blog of the 10-22 build you did 10/2011 and wrote a reply there.
    Nice work! Wondering how that home made pillar-bed job has worked out over time, I am considering using it for a build I am currently working on. Range report?

  5. Kevin, good question. I haven't been able to finish breaking in the barrel to Tony Kidd's recommendation of 500 rounds before looking for groups, but I have tried out some Eley and Aguila match ammo and was absolutely stunned. At a measured 50 yards, I could hold 20 round groups inside of an inch with both loads; I was shooting at the little orange dots, and there would be a slight orange ring of the dot left around a ragged hole. It was too easy. My brother was with me, he's very knowledgeable on 10/22s, and he said that they would tighten up even more over time. I have some Wolf match ammo that I'm itching to try out, but my range trips are so short I haven't had time to shoot it anymore. I'll make an effort to try it this weekend.
