Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Lion, tiger, and bear medicine

On the left hand side of this article is a list of official reports from the Deputies that shot and killed all those animals in Ohio during the Exotic Animal Apocalypse. It's an extremely fascinating read. There were detectives shooting tigers with buckshot, and SRT guys shooting everything with M4s.

If I ever get to go on a safari to hunt the big five, I'll do my best to convince the government to let me take my AR instead of something larger than .375 caliber!

Hat Tip to Hell in a Handbasket.


  1. no one called the snipers with 308s for the cats and bears? that just seems silly.

  2. Good question. You would think that somebody would have a .30 caliber rifle in the trunk. A shotgun with slugs would work good as well.
