Thursday, September 15, 2011

Coming or going?

MCALLEN, Texas (Reuters) - U.S. Border Patrol agents found a rocket launcher, assault rifles and explosives near the Rio Grande river in Texas, the agency said on Wednesday, a discovery that suggests a link to Mexico's drug wars.


Officials theorized that the guns were waiting to be smuggled across the border into Mexico, but said that was just speculation.

It's good to put blind speculation in a news article and present it to the world as fact. No big deal.

So a cache of weapons including grenade launchers, rocket launchers, and C-4 explosives were "intended to go South" based on aforementioned speculation and past cases? Whatever. No doubt these items were bought at the local gunshow for next to nothing with no background check.

If these weapons weren't being transported North by cartel members who got them from the Mexican government, then they had to have been provided by a US government entity that has the ability to acquire them. Wonder who that could be.


  1. is that an m72 LAW? yeah they totally got that from gun show you know, for duck hunting....wonder how much they go for on the black market.

  2. I'm not sure, but the US doesn't even use them anymore. The US gov't did sell them to the Mexican gov't.

  3. this is the only thing i could find on the modern uses

    doesn't look like the one in the el paso though. i'm guessing the one they found is MUCH older.

    Recently the US Marine Corps Systems Command at Quantico, Virginia placed a 15.5 million dollar fixed contract order with Talley Defense for 7,750 M72A7s, with delivery to be completed April 2011

  4. Guess I need to bring extra cash for Saturday's gun show. My shopping list just got a few extra items added to it.

  5. 40mm is THE versatile cartridge for dangerous game. I wonder if the gunshow will have one in a side by side for that big five safari that I will probably never go on.
