Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Only in Fairfax

One man may be responsible for stabbing at least five women in the butt, according to Fairfax County police.
The headline "Serial Butt Stabber Sought in Virginia" kinda drew my attention first thing this morning. This type of criminal behaviour doesn't surprise me at all considering that it's happening in Fairfax, which is like the San Francisco of Virginia.

Then again, in once-quiet Fredericksburg, Virginia, some creepo is flashing the ladies at McDonald's, so anything can happen. Strange times bring out strange behaviour.


  1. No. Arlington County is the San Francisco of Virginia. Falls Church is the Berkeley. Fairfax County is like Los Angeles, maybe.

  2. Yikes! I'm glad I am not that intimate with NOVA! I don't know how you do it.
