Sunday, May 29, 2011

Technology Super Fail

Blogging from the shattered screen of my Samsung Captivate, I must apologize for the lack of activity as of late. Despite being busier than Ive ever been, all electronic devices within a six foot radius of me have taken a colloctive bed-shitting, which counts as the paramount reason why I have not been blogging. My laptop with its shiny new hard drive(its third in two years) has given up the ghost yet again; this time within a month of its rebuild. Orbitz gave me an error for three days on my travel itinerary, but I was smart and saved the original email on my work email account on my phone. By the time I got my phone to send it to my yahoo account, it had arroused my anger to terminal levels. Blogging will continue when I can find electronic technology that does not suck.

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