Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mommas, don't let your babies grow up to be Delta

How about some 11 year old fire and maneuver complete with immediate action drills this morning? Very cool!

Gun safety iiiiiiiiiiiiissssss AWESOOOOOOOOOME!!!! Yeah, I watch a little too much Yo Gabba Gabba these days. Don't judge.

I found the video on this thread at MP.net, which if you take the time to read, a Frenchy goes all Oh Noz!! over the idea of a non copper handling a gun, and then he gets his ass handed to him by American commentors. Just so you know.


  1. Good stuff - she's good now, but when she gets her hand strength up to speed she'll be awesome!

    The thread? Priceless.

    Thanks for sharing...

  2. we need to start with kids soon ctone

  3. Well, maybe with your oldest; remember, my oldest dusted herself with Gold Bond while on the toilet last night. We'll get there soon though

  4. Tori Nonaka started shooting at 3, and is now, at 16, a full member of Team Glock. Can't start 'em right too early.

  5. Holy smokes! I didn't know who she was, so I had to google her (that's doesn't mean what it sounds like). I've seen her on one of the outdoor channel shooting shows. Good for her!

  6. Now this is cool - watch the same 11 year old field strip an AR15 -
    McKenzie -11yo Girl Sets New Record for Field Stripping AR15

    That's good stuff...
