Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I met my first bloggers yesterday!

I'm somewhere around my 4th year of blogging and I had yet to meet a single blogger. Yesterday I met with Nancy from Excels at Nothing, and Michael W. from Doin' the Time Warp for some time at the range shooting handguns. Both of them are genuine good people, and it was a great time having a group therapy session with them.

Michael W. let me shoot a vintage Webley Mk VI and IIRC a Polish P-64. Fun stuff! The Webley is a substantial handgun that takes some getting used to for someone who is not accustomed to revolvers. Michael W. has no problem at all grouping with it; something tells me that he has had a double action sidearm in his holster once or twice. The P-64 is more familiar in my hand, and despite being all steel would make for a fine carry piece. Nancy let me shoot her Springfield XD-9, which is the first time I've ever been able to shoot one with any purpose. As a Glock advocate (not fanboy) I have to say that the ergonomics of the XD pistols are excellent, much more so than a Glock, and it has a better trigger to boot. And while Nancy claims to be a noob, I wouldn't want her shooting at me! She has a wonderful teacher with the kind of experience most shooters pay big money for.

It has been quite awhile since I've put that many rounds downrange from a handgun, and it was very therapeutic. Thank y'all for the experience! Let me know the next time you want to meet up!

1 comment:

  1. It was great meeting you, too! You seem so low-key compared to some of your rants. *grin*
