Friday, April 8, 2011

Don't axe the cops

When officers arrived at the day care, the father did not back down. He lunged at officers with the ax, according to police. Three officers shot at him.
This had to have been suicide by cop. It looks like there was good cause for the mother and the daycare to deny this guy from being able to pick up his kids. I'm guessing that he had reached the end of his rope and fell off, and had nothing to lose at that point.

Axes are definitely deadly weapons; however, I wish manufacturers of modern day axes would stop dulling the edge before sending them to Home Despot. I know the lawyers put them up to it -- if you go to the genesis of every problem in America you will find a lawyer -- but swinging a heavy butter knife is not the best way to get work done. Trust me.


  1. And this is why when looking for a daycare provider for Sweet Daughter I wanted to know if they had guns on the premises. I mean, how else were they going to keep her safe from bad guys? I can tell you, that wasn't a question they heard very often.

  2. It's fascinating that there are people who would want to be comepletely helpless while watching a dozen kids. All of these eggs in one basket, and they are horrified at the thought of having the means to protect them.
