Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dirty jobs

This frickin' guy is crazy!! I guess to some people it's not a big deal handling live cobras. To see dozens of them with their hoods wide open, all pissed at you, and you have nowhere to go, creeps me out. If you don't like snakes, then don't click play:

Cleaning The Cobra Pit - Watch more Funny Videos


  1. Wow. I have been away a long time. I didn't realize Woodbridge was so ... hard core.

  2. Yeah. Violence galore. You know how unsophisticated those folks in Woodbridge can be.

    The big fellow is my brother in law.

  3. Your BIL? NO SH ... I mean no kidding!?

  4. Nope. He was kind enough to lend the rifle and his handsome grill to a photoshoot. He's not much of a lawbreaker.

  5. lol...and your sister took the pics!!!!! I should show you the outtakes...of big man yelling (in an accent) "You can't take my freedom"
