Monday, March 21, 2011

Clever wording

The press is famous for it, and no doubt this article about the US ambessador to Mexico resigning does not disclose all of the facts.

This gave me a snort this morning:

Calderon's office on Saturday said U.S.-Mexico relations remained solid despite Pascual's resignation and the two nations would continue working together to deepen their relationship "as neighbors and friends."

But the alliance has recently been soured by the public dispute between Calderon and Pascual and Washington's failure to stop weapons smuggling into Mexico.
"Clever girl" - Muldoon, Jurassic Park

So now we have the ATF Project Gunrunner scandal -- in which federal agents were ordered to basically facilitate the smuggling of weapons into Mexico -- being sold as "Washington's failure to stop weapons smuggling." B.E.A.U.Tiful wordsmithing! I would have never thought to put it like that.

Why lie when you can simply not tell the truth?

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully the blowback from THAT bit of empire-building hasn't ended yat and we can "Scooter Libby" some real-life felons that are now ATF butt-monkeys.

    But I won't hold me breath...
