Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Up for air

Sorry about the lack of posting folks. This drive to Fairfax every day is killing me; I've added three to five additional hours on to my work day just to sit in traffic screaming at all the other cars.

Really, where in the world do all these people come from? Of all the places to screw up, why does everyone want to live here? I don't understand it. It's 42 miles from a to b, so I'm averaging about 24 mph round trip, which is probably a little more on the way there and less on the way back. There are simply too many cars on not enough road, and it gets worse every single day.

People, listen to me, stop moving to Virginia. It sucks here. It's no longer beautiful. Do yourselves a favor and find another place to destroy.

A little on the bitter side, yes.

How is everyone else doing?

1 comment:

  1. And that's why we deal with the "pay differential" to live where we do. 10 miles to work, and 14 minutes to get there. I really would like the NoVA paycheck, though.
