Monday, March 8, 2010

In a world without guns

Before there were firearms, there were savage people with swords. The outcome was way more bloodsoaked than anything we could imagine.

In Nigeria, over 500 people were butchered by savages with machettes; this was done while there was a curfew supposedly to keep savages from wandering about. In the end, guys with rifles were sent in to provide security since the average Nigerian can't.


  1. I looked at other pages that basically say the same thing... “If there are no guns then knives, arrows, swords, brawn and like will take the place of the gun.” None of the articles addressed how we think and what shapes the way we think. Could it be that be the reason why we have not created a world of peace on our planet to date? A world of peace that does not require for there to be guns to enforce the peace is possible. What we need to be explore are the possibilities of how to make that happen... not looking at history and saying well uuh?, it happened like this before so it must happen again. We should look at history and say okay we did this like that and got this result, now how can we do it DIFFERENTLY! We have to; I know some do, think more of the possibilities and look at the problems that create the need for weapons in entirely different ways.

  2. And as soon as you find your answer, and convince thousands to lay down their arms, a few million will come and take over.

    I've done the pacifist thing. I've done the non-resistance thing. I've done the conscientious objector thing. All it does is make you a victim.

    Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who did not. Face it. Peace on earth cannot be achieved under man.

    Any time you leave your house unarmed, take a deep breath and repeat after me- "Baaaaaaaa".

    Now you're being honest with yourself.

