Saturday, February 6, 2010

Note to morons: It is not funny to scare your armed mom

Ever the optimist - his mom is totally cool for carrying a .357 magnum wheelgun. She can shoot, too!

I do hope the moron has a full recovery.

Update: SailorCurt has a good point: what kind of moron dons a ski mask and tries to scare his mom with a gun that has a worn off serial number? Said moron is more likely a crack head that botched a real robbery of his mother, and claimed the whole thing was a big joke when mommy dearest put some holes in him. Good catch!

I'll just hang more kudos on the mother for not telling her son she carries a gun. Funny how such a little device can be such a big game changer.


  1. Clearly, he gets his smarts from his father's side of the family.

  2. Another "I'm not buying it" story.

    We seem to be having a rash of these lately.

    Officers also recovered a blue steel revolver with an obliterated serial number from the suspect.

    Pretty elaborate prank...he even went and bought a gun off the street with an obliterated serial number just to get a chuckle out of frightening his mom?

    Not buying it.

    I'm guessing he knew his mom would have money on her (she was shopping) and decided to relieve her of it.

    Probably didn't think she had it in her to use the gun she carried.

    After she plugged him, he used the obvious excuse: "I was just trying to scare was all a big joke"

    I'd be willing to bet the "prankster" just happens to be a junkie and was in dire need of a fix. Junkies will do pretty much anything to anyone to get their fix. Relatives tend to be common choices for them to victimize because they know their habits and know exactly when and where to strike.

    Maybe mom had recently cut him off from support, so he just decided he'd take what he needed?

    Whatever the story, I seriously doubt that this was a practical joke gone wrong.

    But I also seriously doubt that the truth will ever come out, because mom will most likely protect her son, regardless of what actually was going on.

    Or maybe I'm just a cynic.

  3. There's more. Apparently, the gun with an obliterated serial that was recovered was the one Mom used to shoot her choir boy:

    His mother drew a .357-caliber revolver and fired several shots, hitting her son at least twice, the statement says.

    The woman surrendered to the first officers on scene.

    The gun's serial number had been obliterated, according to the police statement.

    The woman is in custody at the Milwaukee County Jail.

    So Mom apparently isn't exactly your paragon of virtue herself, but the story also added a little more about the choir boy that reinforces my theory about what was really going on when he perpetrated his little "joke":

    The man's record with Milwaukee police includes arrests for drug- and weapons-related offenses, Stanmeyer said.
