Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ahhh, gun bigots make it so easy

Ralph Fascitelli of Washington Ceasefire, an advocacy group that seeks to reduce gun violence, said allowing guns in coffeehouses robs residents of "societal sanctuaries."

"People go to Starbucks for an escape, just so they can get peace," Fascitelli said. "But people walk in with open-carry guns and it destroys the tranquility."

Wow. Mr. Fascitelli makes an interesting case. Where have we heard this before? Oh yeah, I'm definitely going there:
Samuel Bowers of White Knights, an advocacy group that seeks to suppress Blacks, said allowing Negros in coffeehouses robs residents of "societal sanctuaries."

"People go to Starbucks for an escape, just so they can get peace," Bowers said. "But Negros walk in and it destroys the tranquility."

Jerry Falwell of Thomas Road Baptist, an advocacy group that seeks to reduce gays, said allowing queers in coffeehouses robs residents of "societal sanctuaries."

"People go to Starbucks for an escape, just so they can get peace," Walt Kowalski said. "But zipper heads walk in and it destroys the tranquility."

Bigotry comes in all forms. Clowns like Peter Hamm and Ralph Fascitelli can't seem to find that point when they spew this sort of discriminating noise.

Like it or not, there were no "gunshots" from those carrying guns at Starbucks. That's because the gun control crowd is barking up the wrong tree by pushing to take away protected rights from peaceable human beings. And interestingly enough, this article cites the shooting of four Washington police officers in a coffee shop by a psychopathic scumbag as reason for gun control advocate motivation, as in why the Brady Campaign wants Starbucks to be a "gun free zone."


These people honestly confuse everyday citizens who carry a firearm to preserve their life, and the life of their family or community, with a lone crazy gunman with a long and violent criminal past that several states failed to put away behind bars where he belonged. I can't see how making the place gun free would have made the slightest difference. A guy who wants to engage four uniformed officers in some gunplay is not the kind of guy who would turn at the sight of a "gun free zone" sign.

Really though, I love to see these quotes from the gun control crowd because it means that they are not people of reason with a valid argument to contest; there is no need to even converse with them at all. They are bigots. They try to deny basic human rights - in this case protected by local, state, and federal law - from decent human beings because they do not agree with them. That strengthens our points because they have none.

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