Friday, January 29, 2010

We interupt this blog to bring you breaking news. . .

Hungry coyotes are feeding on timid hippies in the Greenburgh, NY area. Be on the lookout.

The motive in the attack has not been confirmed, but the empathetic hippie victim believes that the coyote was angry over an alleged robbery that happened some time ago.

Brave local police advise that when hiking in the woods, make sure that you are armed with at least one rat-tailed comb to fend off the beast, and perhaps a rape whistle to ensure the other coyotes know the exact location of the kill attempt in order to discourage them from approaching.


  1. I hope they don't kill the coyote, and instead relocate it to her living room. "We took their land". . really? I love the outdoors more than most- but I'm not delusional enough to try to assign human characteristics like property ownership to animals. . .they have a word for that. its called anthropomorphism.

    By in large, it means your an idiot if you do it- like Tim Treadwell.

  2. Yeah, ol Treadwell had it coming.

    People like that make me shake my head.
