Friday, January 15, 2010

Law enforcement fail

Craig Owen Vaczy, 30, pleaded guilty to malicious wounding Wednesday in Fredericksburg Circuit Court. As part of a plea agreement, prosecutor Travis Bird dropped three other charges and agreed to cap Vaczy's sentence at five years. Vaczy will be sentenced March 17.
So the crazy guy got five years in the slammer - what's the problem?

The problem would be the other charges were abduction, robbery, and burglary, as well as prior arrests for domestic assault, battery, grand larceny, identity fraud, violating probation, multiple counts of forgery, malicious wounding, obtaining goods under false pretenses, and who knows what else. Check out the only comment at the first link.

I haven't been able to verify the other thirty-something charges, but what I have posted is enough for me to ask Spotsylvania prosecutor Travis Bird, and whomever the prosecutors are for Stafford and Fredericksburg: what the hell are you doing? Have you lost your mind? Why was this man out and about and able to break into a resident's home, break his jaw, tie him up, and steal his property? Why did his ten year sentence for malicious wounding, two year sentence for stealing, and two year sentence for forgery get suspended? They happened at different times, so that - combined with his other criminal activity - should have been taken into account beforehand and he should have been taken out of society. What happens in five years when this unstable and violent man gets out of jail and decides that, since he can't get a job because he's a felon, that he will go back to his old ways and start burglarizing, assaulting, abducting, or maliciously wounding because it seems that prosecutors have no problems dropping charges and giving multiple chances at being a dangerous criminal?

This man is going to have another chance real soon to show how irresponsible he is. I just hope he doesn't kill anybody.

Update: Seems the stupidity has made it down into the water supply around here: Man charged with shooting son. I casually read the post and didn't think much of it, until I read the single comment. WTF? With a list of charges like that, why did the guy get out on a $2,500 bond? Should be more like $2.5 million dollar bond.

On another note, good on the son for pulling through after catching a 38 to the chest.

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