Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Freedom of. . .Of religion, not freedom from it

The totally unbiased and not at all left wing big box news agencies like the AP and ABC News are shitting kittens on the discovery that Trijicon has scripture verses encoded in the serial numbers of optics sold to the military. Apparently, since they were unaware of this sinfulness, it's "secret," which is weird because everybody and their brother who is not a Marxist shill has known about it for years.

I never understood the reason that most lefties that I've encountered have such a visceral hatred towards any God fearing person. Or anyone who even mentions his name, for that matter. People can believe in what they want. Why such angst?

Anyways, to get an idea of how bad the gnashing of teeth is over at ABC News, see "Secret Jesus Bible Codes on U.S. Military Weapons." I mean, come on! "Jesus Rifles!?!?" "Christian Crusades against Islam?" Really?

And Gen. Nash, what in the world have you been smoking? Because you have a problem with Secret Jesus Bible Codes labeled in the serial number on rifle scopes, but not say, scripture written on Soldiers' issued helmet covers, you want to force the Pentagon via legal fiat to blow millions of taxpayer dollars grinding the serial numbers off the scopes and stamping new ones. Yeah, let's a genius idea! It's not like that money could go towards buying more important stuff, like for instance ammunition, or perhaps more Trijicon rifle scopes that will enable our Soldiers and Marines to kill terrorists from several hundred yards outside of their effective range. We wouldn't want to offend them, or make them think that America is waging a war against Islam with Jesus Rifles! Anything but that! And while we're at it, maybe we should "punish monetarily" Chrysler Defense by making them paint the M1A1 Abrams tank with a graffiti proof coating to keep crusading Soldiers from painting Secret Jesus Codes on the main gun.

Have you hugged an Islamic terrorist today?

The pants wetting shows just how utterly irrational people can be. "Spiritually Transformed Firearm of Jesus Christ?" "Iraqi Soldiers touched those tainted rifles!" How do we sleep at night!?!

I personally find it hard to believe that any Islamic militant would have some sort of "our god vs your god" mentality against a powerful and predominantly Christian nation sending hundreds of thousands of Christian warriors into their country to kill them. Don't offend them with your religious rifles - shoot them with em', or drop bombs on the building they're in. That's cool.

Seriously, this is stuff right out of the Guidebook for Being a Perpetually Outraged Hippie. Marines? Not really outrageous. Rifles for Marines? Kind of outrageous. Scripture on rifles for Marines? Outrageous. Marines killing people with rifles? Not so outrageous. Marines killing people with Jesus Rifles? Outrageously outrageous. Marines in caskets because we spent defense money on erasing serial numbers instead of more rifle scopes? Totally cool.

Now that I'm thinking about it, we should tell the Pentagon to immediately make the entire armed forces atheist, and fully fund the effort with the next year's defense budget. Let's also kill off all the Chaplains, since they are men and woman who are awash in the blood of the Lamb. That way, we never make our enemies mad at us ever, ever, ever again.

This flawed ideology is the reason wars are lost. When your own countrymen would rather spend defense money appeasing your enemy instead of killing them with righteous firepower, than your enemy is already inside the wire.


  1. I'm am not a Marxist shill and I hadn't heard about this until today.

    I think it is callous of you to not understand how this would offend Muslims. Not only are are people being killed with these guns by a foreign nation in their country, but they have quoted the Bible (including words of Jesus, who they respect) on the actual weapons.

    The American military has gone to great length to show that this is not an imperialist invasion and is in no way religiously motivated, so this looks like really bad PR for them.

  2. Perhaps Marxist shill was too strong a term, and for that I appologize. Many shooters have known for years that Trijicon had referenced scripture on their products; I'm really just surprised that the military is now claiming ignorance. Knowing a thing or two about defense procurement, I can say with 99% certainty that the aquisition folks were fully aware of it.

    My point with this is that it never was "secret." For it to have been, Trijicon would have attempted to conceal what they were doing. And it's not that I can't see WHY it would offend Muslims, it's that I see it as strange to say that a Muslim combatant would somehow not be offended by being shot at with a non "Jesus Rifle" wielded by a Soldier from a Christian country, but be agast at the rifle having an optic with a serial number referencing scripture. It seems so petty in the grand scheme of things. Besides, the enemy that the military is fighting already believes that America is a religiously motivated country.

    And all-in-all, I think the press is completely sensationalizing this to the max. I've known a pile of Marines who used the ACOG to kill people, and none of them ever called it the "Spiritually Transformed Firearm of Jesus Christ." That's so ridiculous.

  3. Bat crap. Be offended by the procurement officer who wrote the specs and didn't specify the change from the normal model/serial number nomenclaturing system. Then unwad your panties.
