Friday, November 20, 2009

Whore d'oeuvres

The ideological insanity that is the climate change argument has long since gone off the tracks, but I found this to be just hilarious:
The effects of climate change have driven women in communities in coastal areas in poor countries like the Philippines into dangerous work, and sometimes even the flesh trade, a United Nations official said.
The "flesh trade?" That's where you're going with this? This UN guy sounds pretty creepy; definitely the guy that sits in the cubicle down the hall that everyone thinks is a pedophile.

This whole article is chock full of contradictions and wild speculation. My intent of pointing out this article, which I found on Drudge, is that the climate change people have gone absolutely out of their minds with this stuff, and have resorted to just saying random-assed crazy things to get people to buy into it. If I were trying to convince a group of people that my brand of Koolaid is the brand to buy, I sure wouldn't be telling them about how the recipe was delivered to me by piebald alien gnomes it while wearing a lampshade on my head because everyone would think I was nuts.
"Aside from their household chores and participation in fishing activity, they have to find additional sources of income like working as domestic helpers in affluent families," she said.
So if I'm reading this right, climate change -- the earth heating, cooling, or not at all, whatever it's not important -- is impacting the harvest of coastal resources, so in turn women are going to the coast in droves to help collect shellfish that are no longer there so their family can make a living, and, not finding these shellfish, or just giving up because collecting these non-existent shellfish is so exhausting, instead resort to humping HIV riddled "transient seafarers" that live on cargo ships and come from affluent families. Gotcha. It's so obvious now.

So why are we not doing our part to stop prostitution? Disregard the part about brothels popping up along the coast as a normal part of the economic equation in the Philippines, as poorer countries are not at all known for this sort of thing. We're talking about HIV, women forced, FORCED into the "flesh trade" by global warming/cooling, and human rights. Something must be done. Just check out their list of stuff that you can do! Here's an example:
Prioritize research and date collection to improve the understanding of gender and population dynamics in climate change mitigation and adaptation;
What does that even mean? Date collection is the responsibility of all of us? OK then! Do your part!


  1. "So why are we not doing our part to stop prostitution?"
    Its been too late for Algore for a long time. he whored himself to Global Warming/Cooling/Same-ing before anyone could stop him.

  2. I'm sure his mega mansion is well heated.
