Tuesday, October 13, 2009

You would think. . . .

"I'd like to think if I call 911 because I think there's an emergency that they're going to respond," Smondrowski continued.
If three burglars broke into your house, and you called 911 and nobody came, what would you do?

It happens folks.

1 comment:

  1. Heh. Several years ago I found two guys going through the basement of the house where I was renting a studio apartment. As far as I remember it took the police two hours to come to take a look. Fortunately I neither was keeping anything valuable down there, nor were the burglars violent - I actually had a short chat with one of them, he tried to pretend they were looking for a friend who lived there (not. I knew the other residents).

    The really worrisome part were some remarks that the guy I talked with made. He warned me about keeping any flammable stuff in easy to reach places. And he didn't sound completely there, so to speak. The impression I got was that of a potential arsonist, aware of his tendencies but able to resist them to some extent.

    Well, anyway, the police came, asked if there was anything missing (no bloody idea, as said I didn't keep anything down there), took a short look around and left and I never heard from them again.

    So that's how efficient the police is in Finland, where pretty much any kind of self defense is more or less illegal (to be fair, they do seem to do fairly well with big stuff, they just don't have the time or the resources for the small things. So if you get murdered here there actually is a fairly good chance the killer will be caught. But not much point to call them for anything less than that).
