Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Kalashnikov has regrets

"It is painful for me to see when criminal elements of all kinds fire from my weapon," Mikhail Kalashnikov said in a videotaped address to a conference of Russian arms traders and designers at a top-secret Soviet-era arms testing facility outside Moscow.
Hard feelings Mr. Kalashnikov? Well, the alternative is that criminal elements could go back to using edged weapons. That seems way more civilized.

Unfortunately, I am just finding out about the gas powered rifle that Kalashnikov built:
Designed just after World War Two to work in the harsh conditions in which Soviet troops operate, the gas-powered Kalashnikov, which is cheap to build and easy to maintain, became one of the most successful weapons ever produced.
Who knew? I bet those are collectors items which will no doubt go up in value after Cap & Trade gets passed! In other news, it seems that Russia really didn't sell off millions of AKs after the Soviet Union fell:
Anatoly Isaikin, the chief of the arms trading monopoly Rosoboronexport, said counterfeit Kalashnikovs "tarnish the brand because these weapons are sold in conflict regions."
Whew! At least none of those Russian AKs were sold across the globe to nasty countries only to be used in genocide or anything. We all know now that Russia kept it's massive weapons stockpiles under lock & key the whole time. And knowing is half the battle!

This last bit has me thinking:
"We first need to create a civilized Kalashnikov market. Only then can we boost the price," Grodetsky sighed.
I know of a very civilized country that is chock full of good hearted folks who would love to have a Kalashnikov rifle of their very own. Too bad said country has a government agency that arbitrarily blocks their import. What to do, what to do.

Found at Hot Air.

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