Wednesday, July 29, 2009

So screwed

Troxler, who is scheduled to be in Spotsylvania General District Court Monday on another driving without a license charge, was placed in the Rappahannock Regional Jail without bond.

The other suspect was identified as 25-year-old Randall Allen Lane of Stafford.

He is charged with the same offenses except for the driving charge.

Lane was free on bond as the result of a June 4 arrest in Spotsylvania on a burglary charge, court records show. He was supposed to appear in court next month to name an attorney.

One would think that in light of pending charges, these two would have postponed the armed robbery of Papa John's pizza for another day. Fortunately they went ahead with their plan and got caught, and I suspect that Spotsylvania residents won't have to worry about them for fifteen or twenty years.

I have to laugh at their use of a BB gun for the robbery. If they didn't have charges pending, their sentence would likely be less. I don't think the judge is going to have much sympathy though.

1 comment:

  1. You mean these criminals didn't buy there guns at a Virginia Gun Show. Wow! Existing laws do work. Yeah Democracy!
