Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How to stop violent crime

Put dangerous people in prison and keep them there. That's it. Simple, right?

Apparently, not so much.

Burris had a long rap sheet filled with charges such as larceny, forgery and breaking and entering from states across the Southeast, including Florida, Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland. He had been paroled from a North Carolina prison in April after serving nearly eight years.

"Look at this," Lloyd said, waiving a stapled copy of Burris' criminal record. "This is like 25 pages. At some point the criminal justice system is going to need to explain why this suspect was out on the street.

And there you have it folks. He was a perpetual criminal who was locked up and released. Florida, Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland all had there chance to stop him, but they all failed.

How did this killer get a gun? Who cares. There is no way that you can make a habit out of letting an animal like this guy out of prison and expect to stop him from getting a gun with some law. You will only manage to stop the wrong people.

For every violent criminal, there are thousands of good people. You will not stop the killers at the gun counter, but you will stop the good people.

My solution is simple: stop letting them out of prison. The average time served for a violent crime is 5 years, and the average time for murder is just over 12 years. Why is that? Why does a murderer get a second chance? Why is it when a murderer is paroled after serving little more than half of a pathetically short prison sentence that people are so shocked that they kill again?

Stop letting them out.


  1. He is also a (very) convicted felon.

    How did he get access to guns? That's illegal! Clearly, the only answer to this is more laws for all the non-felons out there.

  2. Catch 22 circular logic is the American way!
