Thursday, June 18, 2009

DC Police have a point

And I side with them on their determination that gun cameras, while well intentioned, are actually pretty useless.
Council member Harry Thomas Jr. on Tuesday introduced a bill requiring Mayor Adrian M. Fenty to come up with a "plan for the installation of video and audio recording devices on service firearms of all police and special police officers."
The police argue that the video/audio will only tell part of the story:

Kristopher Baumann, the head of the D.C. police union, said the cameras would come with high costs and no benefits.

The lack of footage showing a confrontation before an officer draws a gun makes the captured evidence useless, he said, and every officer would have to be retrained because
the camera alters the balance of the weapon.

Yup. My thoughts as well. Thomas says that he intends to reintroduce the law basically until something better comes down the road. Who really cares that the legislation sucks. We have to do something damnit!


  1. Well a cheaper way to do it is to make them wear "helmet cameras" at all times. You can get a helmet camera for pretty cheap these days. That way they capture the whole story. Of course this would require them to wear light weight helmets, which would also act as a safety device if they fall down and bump their heads.

  2. not to mention the added cost of new holsters that'll fit with a strange rail attachment.
