Friday, March 20, 2009

Pro gun angst

DC Mayor Adrian Fenty and windbag Eleanor Holmes Norton bicker over losing their unconstitutional hold on gun rights in order to get an unconstitutional House seat for DC.

Best line:
Norton said in a statement. "Perhaps the Mayor has not had time to read the bill, but I have repeatedly emphasized orally and in my written statements that the bill usurps entirely all D.C. mayoral and council jurisdiction over D.C. gun legislation in the future and gives the District’s jurisdiction over guns exclusively to the Congress of the United States, where the NRA has had no trouble maintaining a majority."
Compare and contrast to my spin:
Norton said in a statement. "Perhaps the Mayor has not had time to read the bill, but I have repeatedly emphasized orally and in my written statements that the bill usurps entirely all D.C. mayoral and council jurisdiction over D.C. abortion legislation in the future and gives the District’s jurisdiction over abortion exclusively to the Congress of the United States, where the NARAL has had no trouble maintaining a majority."
One right is specifically enumerated in the founding document of US law, reaffirmed by the Supreme Court, but subject to the interpretations of politicians; the other right is manufactured of whole cloth by the Supreme Court but is unconditionally protected by the same politicians because it is US law.

These idiots can not pick and chose which rights they think should be subject to meddling and which rights are steadfast and un-changeable.

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