Monday, March 2, 2009

More on Bass Pro's carry policy

I posted my brother's post at The High Road to let them know of the issue and one commentor, Docgmt, there said that he was disarmed of his concealed piece at the exact same store:
"Bass Pro asked if I was armed as I walked in the door I went to the BPS during the grand opening in Ashland and they stopped me at the door and asked if I had a weapon. I did not lie to them I had a CCW and they locked it up until I was leaving the store. Have not been back since."
From what my brother has told me, a Google search turns up plenty of these incidents at Bass Pro Shops. One would imagine that a large store that sells firearms would know the law and not disarm their patrons.

Bass Pro Shops needs to clarify whether they allow open carry and concealed carry. I, for one, won't be shopping there if they don't.

1 comment:

  1. I will not purchaes anything from them in store, on line or from a catalogue..........DONE
