Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Such compassion

I'm often pretty hard on the DC government, but I generally cut the residents some slack. Those people live under the yolk of nanny statism every day, and I often wonder why they put up with the government that they have; why they keep electing pompous elitists or slimy tax dodging scumbags.

Well, with compassion like this, who really cares about what your government is doing.

Citizens who would step over a dying man while they load their groceries are clearly "sheeple" in every distasteful, loathsome, and repugnant meaning of the word.

1 comment:

  1. I'm often pretty hard on the DC government, but I generally cut the residents some slack.

    Don't the residents elect the government? Wouldn't that, then, mean that they are VOLUNTARILY "under the yolk(sic)"?

    Why do they deserve any slack?

    To paraphrase Joseph De Maistre, that city gets the government it deserves.
