Thursday, February 19, 2009

The sounds of war

In Mexico, a reporter is on an overpass while listening to automatic gunfire between drug dealers and the Mexican Army. None of it sounds like it's coming from a FN Five SeveN, and none of these automatic weapons came from gun shows in the US.

That doesn't stop CNN from publishing another fraudulent piece on how the US is responsible for the violence.

Pastor and Hakim note that the United States helps fuel the violence, not only by providing a ready market for illegal drugs, but also by supplying the vast majority of weapons used by drug gangs.

Pastor says there are at least 6,600 U.S. gun shops within 100 miles of the Mexican border and more than 90 percent of weapons in Mexico come from the United States.

And it's not just handguns. Drug traffickers used a bazooka in Tuesday's shootout with federal police and army soldiers in Reynosa, Mexico, across the border from McAllen, Texas.

Robert Pastor has never been to a gun shop or gun show in the US, but has instead been living inside of his own little fantasy world where anyone can go to a gun store in the US and buy a bazooka. Seriously hoss, good luck finding one.

As I've stated before, Mexican drug dealers and cartels are not buying automatic weapons, grenades, bazookas, RPGs, mines, machine guns, and the like from the US, and 6,500+ people did not die in Mexico last year from handguns. That's a myth.

They're getting their weapons from the corrupt Mexican government, or from former soviet nations who have no reservations of selling heavy hardware to drug dealers. Why would these cartels go through the trouble of finding rare, expensive, coveted, and heavily regulated weapons in the US when they could get them cheap from Russia, China, or Czechoslovakia? Doesn't make sense, does it?

What, you don't think that the Mexican government would be that corrupt? Right after the article blames the US for all the violence:

"There is so much money involved in the drug trade, there is so much fear involved in the drug trade, that no institution can survive unaffected," Birns said.

"This has really revealed just how corrupt Mexican officeholders are," Hakim said.

In one recent instance, Noe Ramirez Mandujano, who was the nation's top anti-drug official from 2006 until August 2008, was arrested on charges that he accepted $450,000 a month in bribes from drug traffickers while in office.

You don't suppose some weapons were exchanged somewhere within that $450k, do you? So to all the alphabet news agencies out there: quit drumming up this garbage. Please find something nonfiction to write about, or at the very least do some fundamental research before spreading this stuff around.

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