Monday, January 5, 2009

Groundhog Day

That's what every day feels like to me.

I work all week, and then work on my basement all weekend - the perpetual nightmare. This weekend I found out that I suck as a trip carpenter. Not that that's surprising considering I hate geometry and my math skills are at the 2nd grade level. Besides, when you work on your own home all of a sudden there's a bunch of other shit that just gets in the way. There's no such thing as "keep my calendar clean this weekend" in my world; everyone has something they need me to do.

Also, the sun rises and sets with both of my kids screaming for me to do something for them. That's where most of my morning goes. All of this is taking a huge toll on my blogging time, and my numbers are showing it.

There's light at the end of the tunnel though, just not this week. I'm ready for carpet, and hopefully a break from this madness in a couple of weeks. Then I'll get back to my normal routine.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you this, but just in case...some unsolicited advice:

    The family is the first priority...always.

    If it takes you an extra week, or month, or year to finish your project, you'll still get it done. An opportunity lost with the kids is an opportunity lost forever.

    And it is always the things that seemed inconsequential to you at the time that they seem to have fond memories of for the rest of their lives.

    This from a father who's two kids are grown-ups with kids of their own and who regrets every single time I said "not now, I don't have time" to them when they were growing up.

    The time goes fast and, once it's gone, you can't get it back.
