Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Anti-gun Hartford Mayor a crook

Wow. The members of "Mayors Against Illegal Guns", a gun banning group of mayors, seem to be getting themselves busted for a crime about every week now.

This time it's Hartford, CT mayor Eddie Perez.

HARTFORD, Conn. -- Hartford Mayor Eddie A. Perez surrendered to state police Tuesday on bribery and other charges related to home renovations done by a contractor who has performed millions of dollars of work for the city.


A state grand jury has been investigating possible corruption in city government for 15 months, and it looked at $20,000 in kitchen and bathroom renovations at Perez's home done by city contractor Carlos Costa

Yeah, this Eddie Perez:

He would have you believe that he is the sole arbitor of your 2nd Amendment rights; that you can't be trusted to responsibly handle a firearm, so he must make the decision to take them away from you.

Saving you from yourself, and all that.

Maybe he should have just payed attention to the plank in his own eye?

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