Friday, December 12, 2008

Man, teens sure do get ahold of some big-ass guns!

The teen has been identified as 15-year-old Richard Yanis of Feist Avenue in Pottstown. Authorities claim Yanis was planning a shooting spree at Pottstown High School. Investigators say the 15-year-old had three guns - a 45mm, a 22mm, and a 357 magnum with 300 rounds of ammunition.
The 22mm is capable of piercing three semi-trucks fully loaded with plastic yard gnomes stacked end-to-end!! And you don't even want to know how deadly the 45mm is!!

I'm thoroughly convinced at this point that everyone who works for the media is a freakin' idiot. And if this is the stuff that I am knowledgeable about, how much inaccurate information slips by me on stuff that I don't know alot about? Sometimes, the devil really is in the details, as this article points out.

At this point I only use the mainstream news as fodder for my blog.


  1. Even if they know nothing about guns, you'd think they'd be able to apply a little common sense.

    22mm is almost an inch.
    45mm is over an inch and a half.

    They couldn't figure out that those numbers are a bit unrealistic just through common sense?

    I don't trust ANYTHING I read from a journalist. They aren't trained to find the truth or apply any logic or reason, they are trained to regurgitate what they THINK they heard.

    The information they put out is only as good as A) the sources of the information (which is generally suspect) and B) their note taking abilities...which is typically poor.

    When journalists so consistently get the details wrong on a subject that I know enough about to spot the errors, what would possibly possess me to believe that they get it right on other subjects just because I don't know enough about those subjects to know when they are wrong?

  2. "When journalists so consistently get the details wrong on a subject that I know enough about to spot the errors, what would possibly possess me to believe that they get it right on other subjects just because I don't know enough about those subjects to know when they are wrong?"


    I do cruize the major networks every morning to dig up material to mock. The MSM provides an endless stream of BS.
