Thursday, December 11, 2008

Be on the lookout for the rogue gun!!!

That's rogue gun, not gunman.

One gun police are tracking is a specific 9 millimeter that has been used in two murders, one attempted murder, six assaults and one destruction of property.

Ten crimes. Same gun. And it's still on the streets.

The gun is out there somewhere, stalking its victims.

Here's a few interesting goodies:
Every 13 hours in the District, someone fires a gun. At crime scenes last year, police recovered 4,963 shell casings. These shell casings represent more than just pieces of metal.
So much for those effective gun laws. Then we have this:

Gary Durant was a star athlete at Spingarn High School. He was the quarterback on the football team, a top scorer in basketball.

But he was drawn to the fast life on the streets, and police say he was there the night during a gun fight at the 1100 block of 21st Street. Eighty shots were fired and a young man died in the street.

Gary Durant was charged with murder.

"All because he wanted to be hanging out and carrying a gun, it's all gone, everything," his mother said. "Everything that he worked for."

Gary Durant is still sitting in D.C. jail. His murder trial is scheduled to begin next month.

Where he will be given the lightest possible sentence that a murderous scumbag can get. This is DC we're talking about. The thing that bothers me is that his mother somehow thinks that her son was some gentle boy who was corrupted by the evil gun, and not a wanna-be criminal. Guns don't take over you mind.

I hang out and carry a gun almost every day, most of the people that I know do as well, and none of us get into gun fights. In fact, we take every precaution to make sure that we never get into one. None of us murder people.

The blame lies with the individual, not the object.

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