Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Where were the guards with the M4s?

Just so you know, the University of Mary Washington is not so super safe. Too bad that while the girl was being abducted, a security guard was wandering around the parking garage above her. The campus police and their M4s were nowhere to be found, which you can't really blame them for because it's not like rapists try to get their attention or anything.

This isn't the first time some scumbag has tried to rape someone on campus, but what bothers me is that students say that they still feel safe because the campus is so friendly.

My point in all of this is still the same: personal security is up to the individual, not some benign security guard you've never met, and not a sworn officer of the law who is well protected in the guard house with his shiny new rifle.

Update: Look at the bottom of the article for this gem:

The University of Mary Washington offers a 12-hour Rape Aggression Defense self-defense class. The program is free for male and female students and is available to area residents for a fee.

For more information, all 540/ 654-1025 or visit umw.edu/police/prevention/rad_class.php.

I highly doubt the class involves proper instruction in the use of a modern, portable self-defense tool that negates the strength of full grown attackers. Just for fun, stick that link in the address bar and see if you get anything.

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