Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My thoughts exactly

"The truth is, unless you vote for a third-party candidate (which really isn't a bad idea), you don't have much of a choice this November. You can either endorse the idea of a massive, invasive, ever-encroaching federal government that's used to promote center-left ideology, or you can endorse the idea of a massive, invasive, ever-encroaching federal government that's used to promote center-right ideology."
From Radley Balko's Fox News column Why the Republicans must be defeated this year.


  1. I don't think its anywhere near as balanced as that. You have a choice between a blue dog democrat and a Marxist. Third parties aren't a viable option; until they make a presence in local and state elections, they're not going anywhere. That means that the only real choice with a chance to be elected is one of these two. I can't vote for a Marxist, so I gotta hold my nose and vote for McCain.

  2. bullshit, ctone...the choice is between someone who will piss us off with his centrist domestic policies while getting the job done vs. terrorism (mainly keeping the fight on their turf not ours)...and that's the only real job of fedgov...

    and someone who will go fullbore with the complicity of his cohorts in congress to establish a true socialist state, while ignoring or even surrendering the effort that has cost 4000 American boys their lives but has been a resounding success at tying up the ragheads and preventing further attacks on our soil.

    and bonus! at mccain's age he is likely to be a one-termer, opening the door for a true conservative (reagan in a skirt!) to be pres. in '12. not a hard choice.


  3. Top it off: With a gun-grabber as President, and a gun-grabber as Veep, and gun-grabber appointments to the Federal Bench, and a gun-grabber appointment as Attorney General, and gun-grabber majorities on the House AND Senate...

    How long do you think you're gonna keep your Second Amendment rights, or even your First (Fairness Doctrine, anyone?)?

    And will the mighty Radley Balko come riding over the desert sands to put things right, or will he just publish (as long as he's allowed to publish, that is) pointless screeds about how all of this could've been averted if we'd just listened to HIM?

    I'd rather vote for a Republican than for McAmnesty... but that's not the choice I have. If Belko thinks differently he can go talk to all the folks who voted for Perot in '92 and '96, or for Ralph Nader in 2000, for the same reasons Balko is advancing... and see how THOSE elections turned out.

  4. Very compelling arguments. I may have to cast my vote to McCain after all, if nothing more than to strike down the Great Satan, but damn our political system for funneling us all into this shit decision.
