Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Shooting spree in Washington

Early reports say six dead and two wounded; one of them a cop. Pray for the families.

The scumbag is alive and well, but in custody. No big surprise here:

A suspect in the shootings, a recently released convict with a history of mental illness, has surrendered.

State Department of Corrections officials identified the man as Isaac Zamora, 28, who had served a six-month Skagit County jail sentence for drug possession. Zamora was released Aug. 6 and was under community supervision by Corrections officers, spokesman Chad Lewis said.

Capital punishment is probably out considering his history of "mental illness," what ever that entailed, so let's hope this guy is put away forever this time. More updates to follow as I get them.

Update: Issac Zamora was known by police. Here's a couple of tidbits:
The man who turned himself in was known to authorities as "someone with a mental illness," Trooper Keith Leary said. State Department of Corrections officials are "99 percent sure" the man is Isaac Zamora, 28, who has a lengthy criminal record, spokesman Chad Lewis said. Zamora was released from the Skagit County jail on Aug. 4
Like I said: no surprises there.
The suspect is known to police in the area.
Also check out the comments as it seems that some individuals have had run-ins with Zamora before and don't have nice things to say about him.

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